New To Running, Need Some Advice...


Active Member
I would like to start adding running into my workouts and wonderd if anyone has any good routines, intervals and even some music choices for this.

As much as I love music....I don't run with headphones ever, so I can't help you out there..:)...I would say to check out a few sites: and as they have some awesome tips on beggining running as well as some programs on how to start. I wouldn't even think about adding intervals until you have run for a few months so as not to injure yourself. I've run for about 28 years....good luck, I think running is a great cardio workout....:)...Carole
I just bought a treadmill a few weeks ago and I am loving it. It is making a huge difference in my fitness level, especially cardiovascularly. I am keeping a diet/exercise journal, logging my workouts and runs so I can track my progression.

I do not have any interval workouts to recommend...yet. Right now, I am just working on my pace and training myself to hold a respectable pace for a respectable distance. Right now, my best is 6 mph for 6 miles:( . I am seeing improvement, though.

ANYWAY, I wanted to recommend this cd to you. It is called "Trance Essentials Volume 1". It is techno beat, all fast pace. I really love it. Makes me feel like I am in a dance club! It goes for about an hour.

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