New to CTX; question about sequence


Hi everyone! I just purchased the CTX series, and intend to begin on Monday. Does anyone know what the best sequence for doing these workouts is?

Hi Sandra,

I think you can do them in any order you like, but it would be best to not do Leaner Legs and Power Circuit on consecutive days.

Have fun! :)

Thank you very much for your quick reply, Erica! Do you have any more specific suggestions for ordering these workouts? I expect that once I have tried them a couple of times I'll know what sequence will suit me best, but until then I was hoping for some suggestions from experienced CTXers.

BTW, do you know which one is "volume 1, 2....6"?

I appreciate all the advice anyone can give me.

Hi again Sandra,

I would do them so that the strength workouts are in this order - chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps and put Leaner Legs at the beginning or end of this cycle.

Also, you might be able to find some rotations by doing a search for CTX rotations?

I usually use the following order, which goes from larger muscle groups to smaller:
circuit (with back and legs)
leaner legs (to give the shoulders, which are worked during back and chest days, a break. If you put your rest day somewhere betwee back and chest or chest and shoulders, then you could do shoulders here and leaner legs later).
(though the back is technically larger than the chest, and the triceps larger than biceps, the difference isn't that great, and you could switch these up, just remembering--as someone already mentioned--that you need at least a day off between the circuit and the leaner legs workout)

I actually like to double up on some of the weight workouts, doing shoulders on their own:
day off
leaner legs

You could also do a back/biceps, chest/triceps, leaner legs, shoulders rotation with CTX
Hi Sandra,
I usually just do the CTX series in the following order

1. Step & Intervals #1
2. All Step #2
3. Power Circuits #5
4. Kickbox #3
5. 10-10-10 #4
6. Leaner Legs #6

This works your larger push/pull muscles of chest/back, shoulders, biceps/triceps and ending with legs. This way Power Circuits & Leaner Legs aren't back to back. Plus, if you're careful not to use too much momentum when doing your chest/back days doing shoulders the next day should be fine. Unfortunately, you really shouldn't seperate your push/pull partners up it throughs your body out of whack and since shoulders don't have a partner I put them in the middle. Or what you can always do is skip the cardio portion of Power Circuit and just do the shoulder rountine the day before you do Leaner Legs.

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