New to Cathe


Can anyone suggest where I should start? I prefer DVDs. I have Pure Strength but have not done it yet. I can only afford to purchase one DVD at a time, so I want to make the wisest decision.
Welcome! It depends on your goals? Do you currently have any cardio DVDs or tapes? I would suggest the CTX DVD first and foremost. If you can afford it. Otherwise, if you are short on cardio, then I would suggest the Cardio Hits DVD or the Rhythmic Step+Imax+MIC DVD. Then you can do something like this:
Sat: Power Max or IMax
Sun: PS Legs and Abs
Mon: Step Fit or Rhythmic Step
Tue: PS C/S/T
Wed: Step Works or MIC (either the step or the hi/lo or both)
Thu: PS B/B/A
Fri: REST!
Again, I highly suggest the CTX DVD! If you want rotations for that series, please email me, I have a lot! If strength is your goal and you already have some cardio at home, then I would suggest the Power Hour+MIS+Body Max DVD. This would give you three total body workouts incase you wanted to use one at the end of a week with your PS DVD. Then you will end up working each body part twice a week. And Body Max can be divided up a ton of different ways too! Have fun!!!
What are your fitness goals? That will help determine what you should purchase. For example, if you want to build strength and muscle mass I would get Slow and Heavy, if you want endurance get Power Hour, if you want a little of both MIS.

I don't have CTX but I hear it is great and a lot easier to do with the DVD format and the ways to use it seem endless.

You'll have to get other people to advise you on her cardio tapes - I don't have any - just MIS, P/S Power Hour and Circuit Max (that is a cardio).

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