new to Cathe

Hi everyone!

I have to say that I am new to Cathe having just purchased my first video (StepMax). I am a huge fitness buff mainly to relieve stress. Three times a week I pull the cars out of the garage (I have the most space there) plug in a T.V. and away I go! I was beginning to get a bit disenchanted with workout videos because they always seemed a bit phony. I bought Cathe's video and I was pleasantly surprised. It was nice to see Cathe and her girls working and sweating as hard as I was. By the end of the workout, my sports-bra was soaked to the skin, my hair was drenched and my body was absolutely glistening and dripping with sweat all over while feeling as though I worked myself to the max. That is my type of workout! What I didn't like was mainly how the video was made cosmetically. While it was nice to see Cathe on the television doing the workout and really sweating, at the same time here I was looking like a drowned rat soaked to the skin and there was Cathe, hair looking nice, leotard dry, and most of all breaking in the middle of the workout to dry off before starting the next segment so she can look nice. I see this in many videos, and not jsut Cathe. I just wish they would just workout hard just like I do all the way to the end regardless of how uncosmetic it might look on the screen, that way I know the are enduring the same things I am.

Hi Steph!

Welcome aboard:)..I had to chuckle at your comment...wait till you get other Cathe vids, like her later'll see her sweat;-). You just happened to pick up an earlier video...I think you'll find that Cathe sometimes resembles a little drowned rat (and I say that affectionately). I'm thinking of MIC(Maximum Intensity Cardio) in particular...and she doesn't do a quick change there(hmmm..or does she?:-rollen) but I remember her hair being soaked..either way, you'll find that most of her videos have her sweating and breathing just as hard as the rest of us..well maybe not the breathing part..but she's workin';-).
RE: Hi Steph!

Hi, Steph!
Welcome to a great forum & an even greater instructor. Cathe is absolutely the best in every way. Check out some of her strength workouts if you want to see her sweat! (The only other instructor I know who sweats all the way through is Karen Voight.) From your descriptions of what you like, you'll love every Cathe workout you try.
Also, check out Cardio Kicks. Cathe pauses about halfway through before the intensity drills, and turns to the camera and says, "Ready to kick it up a notch?" She's soaking at that moment, and so am I!:)
You know what else I like? When Cathe is doing a really tough move you can see her legs shake or her muscle that is being used. That lets me know that Cathe is working just as hard as I am, albeit at her own (MUCH higher!) level. That has always been a great comfort to me.
I had to laugh

In Mindy mylrea's new Extreme Intervals, she comments that she can't figure out how people stay "coiffed" when doing a workout like she presents and when she's doing upteen push ups with us--she jokes "how's my hair?" What a riot--and yes--look at Step Fit: our Cathe is there along woth us at the end!!!:)
What kills me is how she can talk and joke throughout the tapes! I was doing MIS the other day and here's Cathe w/a 35-lb barbell on her lap doing tricep dips off the bench chatting away with a pretty smile on her face. There's one girl in the back (don't know her name but has beautiful dark hair and usually smiling) who is turning red and struggling to keep up. That makes me feel better because I can't do those dips with any weight on my lap let alone smile.
I'll never be in videos because I'm a drowned rat as well.:)
I know what you mean. One time my now exboyfriend came over right I finished a workout and he asked if I had just gotten out of the shower (sports bra completely soaked through with skin showing and just dripping everywhere. I just love sweating. I gave up on the prospect of ever doing a workout video because I don't look very cosmetic working out. In fact when I go to the I rarely go to the beach anymore because when I sun bathe my body sweat is dripping down my face and chest under the sun and I would rather have my body glisten in the privacy of my own back yard. I used to be rather self conscience about it cause it wasn't very lady like but it feels really good. You and I canform the drowned rat club!

I know what you mean. One time my now exboyfriend came over right I finished a workout and he asked if I had just gotten out of the shower (sports bra completely soaked through with skin showing and just dripping everywhere. I just love sweating. I gave up on the prospect of ever doing a workout video because I don't look very cosmetic working out. In fact when I go to the I rarely go to the beach anymore because when I sun bathe, sweat is dripping down my face and chest under the sun and I would rather have my body glisten in the privacy of my own back yard. I used to be rather self conscience about it cause it wasn't very lady like but it feels really good. You and I canform the drowned rat club!

Hi Steph! Your comments are all well taken:). As a matter of fact, I will let you in on a little secret. In the earlier tapes it would also annoy me that we did not workout straight through. But back then we would have clothing companies send us free workout apparel to wear as a way of promoting their current seasonal line. We have stopped using clothing sponsors for quite some time now and I am much happier wearing any fitness clothing of my choice(plus testing how well it holds up under a good sweat too ;-))!

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