New to Cathe, new mom, need strength!


New Member
I am new to this site and am very interested in a Cathe video. I had my first baby 4 months ago and because of complications with the pregnancy I could not exercise. Although I have lost all of the weight gained with the pregnancy I am very weak, specifically my back and stomach. I need some serious muscle toning and aerobic exercises.

Any ideas :-hmmm
Hi Amy,
Are you new to exercise, or just new to Cathe?
If you used to exercise regularly but haven't been able to
for 4 months, I would think you'd get back into it easier than if you'd never exercised regularly.
Anyway, if you have a step (which you'll need to do almost any Cathe tapes) I'd recommend the Wedding tape. It's moderate in intensity compared to Cathe's other workouts, and you also get a double whammy of cardio workout and a strength workout. The strength workout does not use heavy weights, so it would be a good one to ease in to the lifestyle.

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