New to Cathe, need to lose 50 lb


Hi Cathe!

I'm new to your workouts although I am being educated quite quickly through your forums. I have about 50 lbs to lose to get myself back where I should be after gaining steadily over the past 8 years. I was in good shape in the past, but life intervened and, well, I think many of us have been there. I'm hoping to lose 25-30 this summer and the rest by the end of the year, if not sooner.

I could really use your help in developing a rotation to help me lose this excess weight. I would consider myself a low intermediate at this point as I have managed to keep exercising regularly despite the weight. I currently do cardio 3 days a week and a total body weight training workout 2 days a week.

I have several of your workouts that I have not used yet because I also ordered the whole set of your new DVD's and I'm waiting for those to arrive :) . In addition to the new DVD's, I have PS, ME, Timesaver, AbHits and Cardio Hits and can't wait to use them all!
Also, I would like to incorporate some walk/run (to eventually become all run) training 3 times a week if possible. I have a hour or possibly more per day to devote to my workouts. I am very highly motivated and would really appreciate your input!

Thanks Cathe!
Hi Nicole! You sound like you have done your homework and set up a good foundation for what you are wanting to accomplish...GREAT:)

I think in addition to your fitness program you should also get the feedback and assistance of a registered dietician. You can locate them in your local yellow pages. Once you show them your workout program, they can work with you one on one and make sure that you have a healthy eating plan to support your energy output.

I would suggest that you start easily and work your way up in intensity. Here is a suggestion:

First Three Weeks:

Mon: New DVD #1/Basic Step
Tues: New DVD #1/Upper body Sculpt
Wed: New DVD #1/ Basic step
Thurs: New DVD #1/Lower Body Sculpt
Fri: New DVD #1/Basic Step
Sat: 40 minute walk/run plus New DVD #1/Ab workout
Sun: Rest

Next Three Weeks:

Mon: New DVD #1/Body Fusion
Tues: 30 minute walk/run
Wed: New DVD #1/upper and lower body sculpt plus ab work
Thurs: 30 minute walk/run (mostly run if you can)
Fri: New DVD #1/Body Fusion
Sat: A 30 to 60 minute stretch workout of your choice
Sun: Rest

Next Three Weeks:

Mon: New DVD #2/High Step Circuit
Tues: One workout from Cardio Hits
Wed: 30 minute run plus 10 minutes of Ab Hits plus 10 minute stretch
Thurs: New DVD #2/High Step Circuit
Fri: One workout from Cardio Hits
Sat: 30 minute run plus 10 minutes of Ab Hits plus 10 minute stretch

Next Three Weeks:

Mon: Timesaver workout #1
Tues: Timesaver workout #2
Wed: Timesaver workout #3
Thurs: Timesaver workout #4
Fri: Timesaver workout #5
Sat: 30 minute run plus a 30 minute stretch workout
Sun: off

Next Three Weeks:

Mon: ME
Tues: One of Cardio Hits
Wed: ME
Thurs: One of Cardio Hits
Fri: 45 minute run plus DVD #1/upper body sculpt
Sat: One of Cardio Hits plus DVD #1/lower Body sculpt
Sun: Rest

Good Luck!

I just wanted to send a big thank your for your reply. I think it's so great you take the time to help those of us who aspire to be really fit!

I'm so excited to get started on my new rotation. I can't wait for the new DVD's. I feel like a little kid getting a new toy!

I appreciate your advice on the nutrition. I think we all have some idea how to eat right, the problem is, do we actually do it? I have to let you know I have become even more enlightened reading all the threads regarding clean eating. (thank you everyone for your words of wisdom). I know my diet been my weak point, but I am committed to get that under serious control and make the necessary changes. :p

Thanks again
Good luck Nicole! I'm another new person who has been writing in lots lately, and diet is something I'm trying to work on too. I'd love to know what you learn and if you find a strategy that works well for you!

Let me know if you'd like a fitness buddy for this rotation. I'm almost 42 and just gave birth a year ago. I've remained fairly active even tho I went back to work full-time when my daughter was seven months old. I'm now ready to kick things into a higher gear and lose 20 - 25 pounds! I, too, have ordered Cathe's new DVDs and have many of her old ones.

Good luck!
Christina (cat)
Future Fitness Dynamo! I will definitely keep you posted with everything I learn. I just can't wait for those DVD's to come to start my new rotation:D ! Christina(cat)...thanks for the offer to be my fitness buddy! I would love that as I've never had one before. None of my friends are at all like me regarding fitness and my goals so it would be much appreciated! Looking so forward to getting in the best shape of my life! YAY!

Thanks all!
Would you be interested in a buddy threesome to support each other with trying to lose weight and keep up our exercise routines? I also need to lose 50#s or maybe a little more and maybe having someone else facing the same challenges would help. If you are agreeable, do you know how we do this? Do we exchange email addresses??? Still pretty new to the forum too. Thanks.
Please count me in on a check-in also. I am great about working out, but terrible with my eating habits. I really need to lose 30 pounds. Thanks, ladies.
Hi all.

I think we could probably set up a check-in thread on one of Cathe's boards. Let me check it out... I'll get back to ya'll.
We could create a check-in in the Success Stories board (and be an inspiratiib for people) or on the Open Topics board. What does everyone think of this?
Hi all!

I think the check in on one of the boards sounds great. I'm new to all this so if you know how to make it work I'm all for it. How do we get started? I don't get my new DVD's for a week, so I won't be able to start the rotation until then. Any ideas?

Hi there:

This week we could focus on clean eating and doing 20 - 30 minutes of exercise eacg with the videos we currently have (or walking, running, biking, etc.)

My goal for the remainder of this week is to reduce the amount of processed foods and sugar I eat by 1/3 - 1/2 and to get in 1/2 hour of exercise each day (if I can do more, great).

I'll start a thread on the Success Stories board...
Hey... I am new to Cathe as well... just received lots of Cathe workouts and waiting on the new ones to arrive. I would love to be part of a check in.... I have quite a bit of weight to lose and would to check in with you guys!
I've set up the following check-on on the Success Stories board:

Beginner's Rotation Clean Eating/Weights Check-in

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