New to Cathe, need input!!!


New Member
HI! I'm a Firmie, but I keep reading about Cathe and now I'm curious! I'm up in Alaska, so we don't get this Fit channel I read about. I've seen some of the video clips, looks interesting enough to ask about! So I need some info! What videos are good to start with? I'm probably somewhere in between intermediate and advanced, (at least with the Firm!). I guess I need to buy a step? What other equipment? I do have dumbells, of course. I've been waiting to buy the new Firm system, but maybe I need to do this instead. Any advice? Thanks!!

Marti Beach
Hi there! I'm a Firmie, too. I've been using my Firm Box at the moment. But I do plan on getting a Club Step. It's nice to have a step, but there are some workouts where you don't need one like Kick Punch and Crunch from the Blast Series. Nice Kickboxing Cardio there. And since you don't have BSS3, I'd suggest getting a real step. Even if you did have BSS3, I'd still suggest getting a real step. The Box is a bit iffy, in my opinion. I'm waiting for a replacement at this time.

Cathe uses a barbell, but I have been using dumbbells on the shoulders instead. It works just fine. I also have to modify some of the higher impact cardio to lower, but it's so easy to modify. You won't have trouble there if you need to come down a bit.

Some of the vids use a stability ball, but you can easily go to the floor or sit on the fanny lifter if you don't have one. It's nice for the extra intensity for the core, but the moves can be done without.

Now, if you love love love CA&WT with Emily and Standing Legs, try the High Step Training videos. I have the advanced one and it's like a fusion of those two Firm workouts with the intensity bumped up about 10 times. I especially recommend it for you since you can use your Fanny Lifter with it and don't need a long step at all. And the only other thing you'll need are your dumbbells.

Have fun!!
I am new to Cathe as well. So new haven't gotten my first video yet. It's on it's way though.

I am also a firmie and have heard alot of good things about Cathe. So much so I am a little afraid of it so I ordered her beginner dvd basic step/body fusion. I'm hoping I did the right thing. If it's not intense enough I can always move up.

I am glad I read your post about using the box. I've been contemplating to buy or not to buy the club step. I really think that's what I need to do anyway. I'll be able to use it with Cathe and BSS3.

Any other suggestions on getting started with Cathe are appreciated!


Welcome to our world :)

You will soon be addicted to Cathe like the rest of us!

I'm pretty klutzy with choreography, so what I've done is tried to work my way up the Cathe choreography ladder. I think the easiest tape in terms of the moves is How to Get in Shape for Your Wedding or Step Heat. They're older tapes, but they are great intros to Cathe's style and moves.

Good Luck!
Hi Marti and welcome!

I am also a Firmie. There a quite a few of us over here! My box is defective and I am waiting for a replacement. Let me just say that whatever you decide to order, you can't go wrong. I am used to very simple choreography (The Firm's) and it really is a challenge for me to learn some of the different combinations. But, if it were all easy, then it could become boring after awhile right? The club step from what I hear is very sturdy and I may have to order one for myself. However something like Kick, Punch, & Crunch doesn't require a step. That one is a lot of fun! My first purchase was Timesaver and I love it. The five workouts are between 38 and 48 minutes long and features the workout blender where you can combine sections of the different workouts to create your own. Let us know whatever you decide!

Hi Tammy! How are you? Hi Catherine- it's great to see you here!

Thanks to you all for the advice. I guess the Step is my first decision to make here. Up here in Alaska it costs an arm and a leg for shipping, so I have to find what I can here. I did find 2 steps today made by The Step Company. One was a Club Step and the other was a Home Step, smaller than the other and half the price. Should I just dive in for the $100 Club Step??? I'm really wanting to start the toning, it looks more intense than the Firm. I'm sorta bored I guess and wanting more difficult workouts. Thanks again!

Hi Debbie,
just trying to broaden my workout horizons. Still waiting on my first Cathe DVD- it should come tomorrow. I went ahead and ordered the Club Step as well.

Take Care
A few years ago I started with the PS series. Do not underestimate the PS series.

If you want to gain some muscle size use the S&H series. Awesome!

I am in LOVE with all of Cathe's cardio and look forward to them every day. Try Step Blast. It is SO much fun!

Welcome aboard! :7
She has lots of amazing stuff!
1. Push and Pull would be a good introduction. Total Body and slow reps. Nice and thorough.

2. The Pyramids. Very straightforward and simple. DVD offers the option of 3 or 5 sets or a total body instead of a split routine.

3. Power Hour. Very similar to Body Pump. Lots of reps. Total Body.


1. Imax2 ... moves are easy to learn but the intensity is pretty high.

2. Boot Camp ... uses very little space. Killer.
3. Cmax ...awesome. Comes together very nicely.
4. SJP is pretty easy to learn too. Includes Hi-Lo and some weights.
old firmy here, old fitprimy here too!!! Cathe, is a butt kicker.. I really like her cuz I think she takes you to the next level. I've gained more strength and endurance thru Cathe and starting to see a little more muscle defintion. I think Cathe is more intense and better if you have big goals in mind...good Power Hour and Kick Punch Crunch
Hi Marti -
I'm a "recovering" FIRMIE. I've used them almost exclusively for 17 years. I have all their videos and/or dvds and all their FANNY LIFTERS (even the old 17" wood one!) I just returned the BSS3 entire system to Collage Video because I got tired of waiting for the replacement box and discovered (PTL) Cathe in the interim! I got the full size Club step and the 14x14 platform which is just like a fanny lifter and is used w/ the Club step risers. It costs....but it is a solid piece of versatile equipment.

I've tried them all - the Super Step, Reebok step and of course, the FIRM FLs and am truly satisfied w/ the CS and 14x14 platform. (I plan to sell all of my FLs and Reebok step on Ebay. I purchased the Super Step from and was able to return it to my local Walmart store for a full refund so this was a "no risk" way for me to test this particular step. It's a very good one but the risers are not compatible w/ the 14x14 Club step platform).

I'm an advanced exerciser and have disappointed with the direction the FIRM workouts have taken. I don't feel they offer enough for people at an advanced level - in general, they're too easy and too short! Cathe's workouts are challenging and exactly what I needed to get me out of my FIRM rut and past my fitness plateau. I'm hooked...

>Thanks to you all for the advice. I guess the Step is my
>first decision to make here. Up here in Alaska it costs an
>arm and a leg for shipping, so I have to find what I can here.
> I did find 2 steps today made by The Step Company. One was a
>Club Step and the other was a Home Step, smaller than the
>other and half the price. Should I just dive in for the $100
>Club Step??? I'm really wanting to start the toning, it looks
>more intense than the Firm. I'm sorta bored I guess and
>wanting more difficult workouts. Thanks again!

I'd get the club step. And sells the club step (the pink and green one) for about $60. I've asked and I was told that the black and grey club step is exactly the same aside from the color. Don't bother with the homestep. It's too small.

Hope this helps!
I soooo agree Solara, there is NOT enough out there for the advanced excercizer,that probably is due to the fact that we "advanced" are an elite group..most people quit in first 6 months, I hear. The Firm did go in a lame direction, fluffy I might add. Cathe Rocks!!
That's kinda what I wondered about The Firm. I've been working out for 7 months, got to my first goals with it, and now I'm stuck!!! I just need more!!! I've loved The Firm, but I'm not sure about this new system. I don't know that it'll give me the "advanced" workouts I'm looking for. I'm trying to be very careful about where to spend my $$$!!! Don't have a lot to be spending all over the place! Thanks to everyone for their input! I'm excited about starting Cathe, just not sure which to start with yet. I still need to get the step, so maybe her kickboxing one.

Kick, Punch, Crunch is big fun, tough stuff though!! I started Cathe with Power Hour (dont need the step) just a barbell and dumbells... You do this and you will see and feel the difference of cathe vs. firm. I got stuck with the Firm too, I would not buy their new system I heard someone got hurt on that new step (another piece of junk like that plastic fanny lifter). My advice to you is to try Power Hour'll be hooked..good luck

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