New Shape mag


Did anyone see that move they featured in the "bye-bye, Ab Flab" article (in the Jan, 03 magazine)? They show how you can use a medicine ball to add resistance. And, the "get fit News" section features a "fast, effective move to shape abs"....I think this one is in at least one of the new Cathe Intensity workouts and the medicine ball moves are in more than one of them. We are getting the best, most up to date workouts with Cathe!!!!!! It makes me wonder why I even subscribe to those magazines. With most of the moves they "feature", I'm like, "been there, done that" about 5 years ago with Cathe!!!!!! IMO, she deserves much more recogntion than she gets.
I have a subscription to shape but I don't even read it anymore. It's too "watered down" IMO, and the girls on the covers are a bit too thin for my taste.
Sorry to jump in here, but I couldn't resist. I used to get Shape, but was tired of too many workouts needing gym-style weight machines. I'd often get one of their magazines when they had a "get a great butt now" article, or something like that, only to find out that it required equipment I didn't have.

I regret my decision to renew my Fitness subscription because their workouts are lame compared to any Cathe workouts. And their "fitnes models" also look way too thin, not fit and strong, rather really lean and starved looking. I've bought some Oxygen magazines when certain articles appealed to me, but wouldn't subscribe. Seems like so much of it is dedicated to advertisements, especially MuscleTech/Nitrotech products. I actually got sucked into trying Hydroxycut and it did nothing but make me a jittery/nervous wreck.

Anyway, just my two cents...
Magazines that I enjoy reading are Muscle & Fitness Hers and also Muscle and Fitness. I have read Oxygen before and enjoyed it. FYI - Muscle and Fitness Hers put out a special issue Weight Loss that works that hit the newstands last month. Going to look for it tomorrow and check it out.

I collect quite a few magazines. Muxcle & Fitness Hers I think is my favorite. I used to collect Oxygen before, then they became watered down. But now I've gotten the last few issues because they've been so good! I think Oxygen is on the rise once again. Also Energy For Women and FitnessRx are very good as well.

I totally agree with you. I get most fitness mags and recently they end up sitting unread in a pile. It's all the same old stuff. It's like, we know squats, lunges, and crunches work! Stop printing the same stuff! Cathe and some CIA videos have the most innovative, fun moves.

And the comment that a lot of the exercises show gym-only equipment is right. It's ok to put some in, but when they're telling you how to get a great butt and 3 of the 4 exercises are using a cable machine, it's annoying.

I also hate when they put supermodels on the cover or tell the workout regimens of supermodels. Supermodels make up like .0001% of the population- how can we compare to them? Since when did they become our idols of fitness/health? Wouldn't it make sense to put people like Cathe, Kathy Smith, Tamilee, etc on the cover?

OK, enough complaining from me!
I think I may have read that article. Anyway, the title alone tells you how clueless the magazine is. You cannot get rid of fat in your abdominal area by training your abdominal muscles. The information is just plain wrong. I'm so tired of this kind of stupidity. IMHO, these magazines are useless.

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