New rotation - tell me what you think!



I'm just coming off a rotation which includes MIS 2x per week + 4 cardio, which I've done for 3 weeks (I really like it btw!). Now I miss PS so next week I want to start using it again. I also want to incorporate PH, and have ordered the Powerstrike Millenium tape too. So here is what I'm planning:
Day 1: 40 min. cardio (running or Cathe cardio)
Day 2: PS BBA + PS CST
Day 3: PS SLA
Day 4: Powerstrike
Day 5: REST
Day 6: Power Hour
Day 7: run intervals or hills 30 min.

I usually do 4 cardio per week, but Power Hour keeps the heart rate pretty high if I remember correctly so I think it will be ok to cut my cardio down to 3 days here and count PH as a type of cardio day too. Also, I usually do abs 3x per week so I will make sure I get 3 abs workouts.

Sound like a good week?
Candice :)
I actually have done this type of rotation, but with the 3 PS videos on Mon/Tues/Wed and Power Hour on Friday with my cardio in the evenings on Tues/Thurs. I enjoy this style of rotation - especially since I like the PS series AND PowerHour! I'm sure you'll see great results. I have - I have lost 20 lbs. since last September using a mix of PS, powerhour,Slow/Heavy and MIS.

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