New Mom to Be


Hi ladies, I never thought I would find myself on a pregnacy forum. I am 38 (will be 39 in two weeks) married for 8 years without using contreceptives. Frankly I didn't know we could. My husband is estatic. I the worrier am terrifed. Scared to death I'll do something wrong. I have worked out consistantly for years and am a huge Cathy fan. I've lurked the open discussions for years. Frankly I don't know how to motify exercises. What exercise I should and should not do? What kinda changes do I expect? So frankly I was so relieved to find this forum. So I apologize in advance for all dumb questions because I have never even babysat a child that was under 5. So I don't even know how to diaper a baby, warm formula and yes I am embarassed to say when the girl at work had her bridal shower I had to ask what some of the things that are on a list. By the way, what is a onzie?
First off congratulations!

What to expect? In your first trimester, if you are lucky, you will have no symptoms (except sore breasts). If you're like me, you'll feel nauseated, extremely tired and be more winded than usual. It's important to listen to your body as far as working out in this stage of pregnancy, because most likely, you won't be able to do the workouts you were doing before (unless you are one of the lucky ones)...

Oh yeah, and don't worry, I had never changed a diaper either when my son was born. It's not a difficult task to learn, as well as preparing formula. You'll feel a bit insecure in the beginning, but you'll be prepped for the task during your pregnancy.
You can do it! I was in the same boat..never babysat, never changed a diaper, neither had my husband. I'll bet you have conquered things before in your life, just apply those conquering skills to learning about kids. Get the books, take some classes, ask moms that have kids you like for advice. You can do it. It is awesome and fun to learn all the new mechanics.

A onesie is a baby t-shirt (short sleeved) that snaps between the baby's legs. White t shirt. It is the baby's version of underwear. An extra layer to keep him warm...or to just be in when it is hot.

Exercise wise, there is a great message somewhere on this forum, in several places, that Cathe or Sheila outlines what not to do exercise wise, try doing a search or browsing around.

Get the book, What to Expect While Expecting, it goes thru month by month as far as what to expect for pregnancy.

I also got Essential Exercises for the Childbearing Year by Noble, very good.

Also a good breastfeeding book if you think you might want to. It is so much easier than formula.


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