New Kid in Town


What a GREAT forum, mind if I join you? I discovered Cathe about a year ago and have visited this site a few times and always really enjoyed the camaraderie that you share. Everyone seems so genuine and eager to help. Just from the few times I have visited I have been inspired and learned so much. Here is a bit of info about me - I'm in my 40s, happily married for 23 years, unfortunately no kids, live in sunny Florida, have worked out since my 20s and have been close to achieving my fitness goals of being lean and cut but just before I turn that corner I fall off the wagon, gain 10 pounds and you know the rest of the story. Currently, I am training for my first marathon and trying to lose 10 pounds (again). That's it in a nutshell; look forward to talking with you soon. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Hey, powergirl-
Welcome! Sounds like you have the same problem a lot of us do. We should come up with a name for it like the Fear of Success syndrome. So many of us come SO close to our goals and then stop dead in our tracks before reaching the finish line. In sports I think they call it choking, but that's a very male term. We should find a female term to describe this phenomenon that we have all experienced.
Glad to have you as one of the group!
Hi & WELCOME! Great to have you join us. As you already know, it's a great place to come for info, advice or just about anything you'd like to share. We look forward to "seeing " you around. Welcome aboard!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi powergirl -
Are you my long-lost twin? I too live in sunny Florida, have been married for almost 23 years, I am 44 years old, no kids and have been working out since Jane Fonda's first tape way back when.

Where in Florida do you live? I am on the west coast, Sarasota area. Originally I am from NJ. We moved here a little more than 4 years ago and I love it.

Debbie Russo
Welcome to the Cathe Clan.I think "clucking" for us women and keep the "choking" to the men.What do you think? ~Linda~
Welcome, Powergirl, lovely to have you on the forum :D
WOW :-wow training for your first marathon ! that is brilliant !
Good Luck with your training !

I would do anything to be in sunny Florida at the moment, it beats rainy England ! :-rollen

Anna :)
Welcome Powergirl!

Well, shoot, if your training for a marathon and eating well I'm sure the pounds you want to lose will easily melt away. Running has always leaned me out pretty quickly. It's good to have you aboard! The gals here are Amazing!!! I love it here and like you I continue to learn so much. I always say that there is a real sense of "goodwill" here at Cathe's place. We are all wanting pretty much the same thing: Good health, balance, and Joyful living. Welcome!


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