New Here!



Hi! I just found this website today. Just to introduce myself, I am a stay at home mom and have a 18 month old son. I am now 6 weeks pregnant with my second child (I have yet to go public with my news). My exercise habits have only started since the birth of my first. I think I am still a beginner/moderate exerciser and I am looking for ideas for videos that will be a benefit. I know that this is a Cathe site but I would be interested in any ideas out there. I try to do a lot of walking with my son and our wonderful stroller and like others, tire out so easily after 20 minutes or so. I would love to hear others experiences.

This group seems to be so kind and friendly. I can't wait to learn from you. Thanks!

....AND WELCOME!! You are right, this is a very friendly group and you WILL learn lots! My babies are grown so I will leave the suggestions on exercise to Sheila or someone more informed on pregnancy workouts. I just wanted to say that we are glad that you could join us and congratulations on your 2nd. pregnancy.


Welcome to our "forum family." We're glad to have you "on board" with us. Congratulations on your pregnancy.

Sheila Watkins

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