New here with a question/comment about step height


Hi everyone,

I recently discovered Cathe F. and have to laugh at my "old" step videos that I *thought* kicked my butt! My favorites were Keli Roberts and Kathy Smith - and for both instructors I used an 8" step height.

Uh ok here's my question, am I a "new to Cathe wimp", or did anyone else have to reduce to a 6" step height for Cathe's workouts because of the intensity? Originally I reduced to 6" because the choreography was new to me - then I tried to add 2 inches back, and found that I'm not quite there yet...

I'd be interested to hear your experiences!


Hi Joni,

My name is Joni too! :) I've done step workouts for years and years using 8" or 10". I thought I'd gone soft when I started doing Cathe's step at 8". After she had her first baby she went from 8" to 6" and I did, too. Now I'm much happier, I can follow the moves and not get as winded and still get a terrific workout.

I hope that helps. Don't feel bad at ALL!!! Just completing an entire Cathe step workout is an accomplishment!

Have a happy week,

I did lower my step height as well. then I raised it. Then I had knee surgery and I lowered it again, and I've just kept it there. I feel that I get just as good of a workout as I would if I raised it. But I'm short, 5'2". So maybe if you're taller you might want to raise yours again once you get used to the intensity.

Hi Joni.

You're right, the others do pale in comparison don't they? When I first started using Cathe, I used an 8" step height. However, I dropped down to 6" and felt less stress on my knees. With the 6" step height, I know I'm still getting an incredibly tough workout...still harder than all of my other tapes at 8".
Thanks Kathy and Joni(!) ---> not too many of us out there. Do you get the "as in Joni loves Chachi"? comment too?

I'm 5'9" -- so I hope to get back to the 8" height - not because I think I should, more because it would indicate progress in my fitness level. Which I thought was pretty good - but that was PC (pre-Cathe).

HEE HEE. Yep, I got "where's Chachi?" too. Then if I introduced myself, I'd say "I'm Joni, as in Joanie Loves Chachi" and they didn't forget. Were you named after a famous Joni? I was named after Joni James, a singer way back probably in the 40's my Dad liked the name. I used to not like having an unusual name but I like it now. My boyfriend is Latin and some of our friends call him Chachi :)

I'm 5'6" and in good shape, but I still prefer using 6" for Cathe step workouts. I'll use 8" for other ones like the FIRM, but I rarely do any other workouts anymore.

Don'tcha just love having Cathe as your personal trainer? It's so awesome! I've turned on quite a few friends to her and they love her too. What's not to love? Everyone in the cast is great and inspirational.

Take care,

The Other Joni :D
I notice Cathe and the crew mostly use the 6" height too. You still get an amazing workout, and I tend to get clumsy toward the end when I'm tired, so sticking to 6" is probably best!

I don't know where my parents came up with Joni - and neither do they. Too long ago I guess :+ (36 years).

Funny you mentioned Cathe as personal trainer - actually one of the things I LOVE about her workouts is the fact that she doesn't try to hide the fact that it's tough for her too, and that keeps me going. And it reminds me that that's what it takes to build a better body - that extra push.

Oh, and guess what? My most recent ex-boyfriend is Latin! From Costa Rica originally. (Now he lives in Switzerland - I'm in Atlanta, hence the "ex" part).
How ironic! Mine is Mexican/Spanish, but born in California. But the ironic part is he wants to move to Costa Rica!!! He wants to buy a hotel on the beach. Wow, going from Costa Rica to Switzerland, what a change! I used to live in Atlanta, I co-opped at BellSouth downtown, back in 91 and 92 (I'm 41 now) I have a good friend that lives there and works for Coca-Cola.

Small world huh?
Welcome Joni! I have done some Keli Roberts and Kathy Smith myself. But when I discovered Cathe....what a pleasure. Hard for me to believe when I first started stepping about 1990 I was using a 10 inch step! I am only 5'4". I did of course move down to 8 inches when I got an adjustable Reebok Step. I do think it depends on your height and the feeling in your knees. I eventually moved down to a 6 inch and still get awesome workouts. Sometimes I go back to 8 inch to (as Emeril would say) kick it up a notch!....:)...Carole
Hi Carole,

Now this is too funny. Another poster to this thread is also "Joni" - which isn't very common, and now you're Carole - with an "e", also uncommon - and I am: Joni Carole!

Anyway. I too used 10 inches back in the day - but guess what? It was only because most of the other girls in the class were using 3 risers, and I didn't want to be the class wimp. Well my pride got me a bad case of achilles tendinitis that took about 5 years to get rid of. I was also landing hard doing repeaters because instructors didn't emphasize good form at the gym where I worked out.

To me, if you're in your target heart rate zone, it doesn't matter how high the step is. I'm happy with 6" for now, but if I reach another level of cardiovascular fitness and need to up it to 8" then more power to me! ;)

Although with the Cathe workouts I think that will be awhile.
This is the other Joni again. One of my good friends is Carole with an "e". The world just keeps on getting smaller and smaller.

I'd rather use the 6" step and have fun. I found that working out smarter instead of harder gave me better results in the end anyway. Your body can get used to a really high intense level and always expect it...that's what I found for me anyway. When I started working out 45 min to an hour max, I got in better shape. I was probably using better form is one reason, I'm sure.

Happy Days!

"Happy Days" -- ha ha!

I definitely think form is key. I know I get more out of my workouts mentally and physically when I maintain good form. And fun is a good point too - if it stops feeling fun, I tend to slack off and think "well I'll take it easy today and get in a good workout tomorrow". I've learned that it's okay to take a short break if I need to - that way I keep the form and the fun.

Recently I was doing Imax2, and stopped after the 6th interval, took off my shoes and thought "tomorrow". Then I caught my breath and thought "uh huh. TODAY!" and I was so happy with myself for getting back in there I had mega-energy for the rest of the workout and then went outside and mowed the lawn!

There's no limit to how far you can push yourself and that is such a great feeling!

With that, I think I'll go do PUB and ...CTX step intervals woo hoo!

Joni II
Yes, I was reading the "Joni loves Chachi" posts...Way too funny and I think Joni Carole is a lovely name...:)...mine is Carole Ann. I also have had my share of Achilles tendonitis usually the cause for me is running. As I am just getting back to running now after abut 6 months of very light running due to Achilles Tendonitis...:)...Carole

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