New here...pre-Cathe tape ideas? :o)


Hi ladies,

Based upon what I've read here and at vf, I'm thinking they'll carry me out on a stretcher if I start into Cathe's tapes at this point; I've returned to working out after a 6 month break (knee problems,) and have been back at it for only 2 weeks. However, based on the raves she's always received on The Firm's email loop, what I read at vf and even more, what I've read here (including the "spirit" and attitude of the place,) I am chomping at the bit to get to these tapes! :eek:)

I have two tapes that I use most of the time, both Firm tapes (a cardio and a lower-body workout -- I like the lower body one and am bored *senseless* by the other.) Although my cardiovascular system can take a pretty intense workout (and I really want that,) my knees balk at *any* high impact moves (and some of what the Firm considers *low* impact.) I'm about 10 pounds over where I feel comfortable, but not
"overweight" at all according to the general standard. Although not in what I would call "good" shape, my body does seem to be able to rise to the workout challenge (enough to surprise me;) after workouts numbering somewhere around 50, all I've had problems with are my knees (I injured them two years ago and have never recovered completely.) So, aside from the knee thing, I don't want to look toward a "timid" workout. (Side note... the things that are proven to give me problems are jumping, running, and, worst of all, those nasty dips and lunges. Ouch!)

So! (short story made long,)I'm curious as to your opinions about what I might do next... and what you think of these possibilities: "Kari Anderson's Fitness Formula," and "Sculpting With Weights" (a Firm tape.) I did quite a bit of reading on the web last night, and the Kari Anderson tape sounds like a good launch point. I've been looking at getting the other (SWW)for awhile; I've seen several positive reviews, and I like the instructor's style (same instructor on my lower body tape.)

I guess we're looking at "challenging at an upper-beginner to intermediate level, but knee friendly." Any opinions/ideas/advice?

Thanks in advance for your help, and for your *patience*... It wasn't my intention to be so long-winded!

A Firm Suggestion

I suggest the Firm's "Core Cardio 1" as a pre-Cate training video. It really helps me stay in form, especially for videos like MIC and Interval Max. The only down side is that it does contain high impact moves and LOTS of plyometric jumps. However, I love this Firm video more than any other cardio workout they have done to date.

For the most part, I rely on Cathe videos for my cardiovascular training and the Firm for my strength training.
Hey Cynthia -- Welcome Aboard


Nice to see you post!!! I think if your knees can handle the dips and lunges in The Firm, you can CERTAINLY handle a Cathe tape. DO NOT let us or VF scare you away from her! She is WONDERFUL and you can ALWAYS modify!!!!

I believe somewhere on her website (sorry too tired to look for you right now), she lists what ones to begin with.... I always recommend The Wedding Tape. It's a good starting point and it has 2 good workouts on one tape. (More economical bang for your buck!!!) With your knees and stepping, you can ALWAYS leave the jumps out and you will find you will still get a GREAT workout. You can also lower your step or even do it with NO step..... Modify, modify, modify (as Clare would say!)

I learned to do step aerobics (or ANY aerobics for that matter) with Cathe .... so I say GO FOR IT... you can always grow into it if you need to!!!! Besides, one must challenge themselves!

Make sure you listen to your body and modify when necessary and you'll be boosting your endurance level in NO TIME!!!

Hope this Helps
And Welcome Aboard!
Video recommendations

Hi Cynthia,

I really like Kari Anderson's Body Tech. This tape is split into 2 parts: the first is a step workout (impact isn't too high) and the second is primarily upper body weight training (you can go much heavier than the students in the tape are using). This tape actually uses some of the moves Cathe uses in her later tapes (but Cathe does a better job at teaching the moves).

For an intro to Cathe, I recommend Step Max. This is one of her older tapes but introduces many of the moves that she uses in her newer tapes. Section 3 is a toughie on this tape, but you can always modify to make it lower impact.

Welcome to Cathe. You'll love her (I, too, use FIRM tapes).

Hi and Welcome!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-00 AT 10:43AM (EST)</font></center>

Hi Cynthia,

A big ditto on the already recommended tapes. The wedding tape is a super place to start. As Cleda mentioned it has the double bonus of strength and cardio and the choreography is one of the easiest to learn. Step Max is another winner as well. Cathes later tapes do have some great power moves in them that might aggrivate your knees but please consider modifying those moves...they are well worth a look.

As far as strength goes...I am a big fan of the style of training that Cathe uses in her Pure Strength series. My body responds best to this style of strength work. One of the biggest rewards has been the strength and control it has given me in my legs..allowing me to do some of the power moves I couldn't do before. I look at it like... a strong muscle is natures own ACE bandage
. I also modify some of my strength moves as fast forward lunges for me anymore.

I am certainly not an expert or doctor so know your own body and listen to it. However, with permission from a doctor...if needed, don't be afraid to try Cathes Pure Strength tapes.

Kari Anderson Fitness Formula

That was my first step tape and I still have it for the low impact days. It is a very good tape.

Hi Cynthia,
I would definitely recommend Cathe's Wedding Video as well as Kari's Fitness Formula. Keli Robert's Ultimate Step is another good intermediate step tape. Good luck! BTW, I've found Step Max to be the toughest on my knees of all of Cathe's earlier tapes.
Thanks all! And more...

I really appreciate you all taking the time to respond and offer help. I'll consider all of your advice. I could definitely use some advice as to how to modify high impact moves; so far I've just sort of "sat out" those parts, marching in place or something. This weekend, my husband surprised me with two new Firm tapes ("Fat Burning Workout and "Better Body and Buns,") and the first gives me some idea of what's meant by "modification;" there are some moves that identical to some that give me trouble on Fat Blaster (the step tape I already had - *yawn* :eek:) ) *except* that they're negotiated without the feet leaving the floor. That gives me a bit of an idea. Still, there are those awful dips and lunges, and I've *no* idea how to modify them and still work the same muscles. (So help me, one of these days, I'm going to be the *queen* of dips and lunges!) :eek:)

I must say I'm surprised at the recommendations to "just go for it" with Cathe's tapes; I really was under the impression that they are strictly for advanced exercisers. One of you suggested I go to the other forum and ask Cathe about moderation alternatives, and I think I'll go ahead and do that. If I over-do it on the knees, I'll spend the next 6 months doing all of my exercises from a *chair*...that's why all the caution.

Re the wedding tape, from what I've read, Cathe herself suggests this for a first tape... but I *am* concerned about it being focused on the wedding thing...I'm afraid a lot of foo-foo "you're going to be a buff and beautiful bride" or "aren't you excited!" talk would make me *crazy!* :eek:)

Thanks again... You've been helpful, *and* you've made me feel welcome here. :eek:)

Wedding Tape

Hi Cynthia,
Just so you know, I only started working out in June of 1999 and I consider myself to be at an intermediate level now. I tried my first step tape about a month later (Kathy Smith Step) and had a lot of trouble making it through on a 6" step. I got Cathe's Wedding video in October and had no trouble doing it. The choreography was easy to follow as well, I probably could have tried it sooner. As far as the "wedding talk", it didn't bother me. At the beginning and in between segments, there were clips of Cathe's wedding. Mega Step Blast was the second Cathe step tape I tried, and I felt the intensity was about the same as the Wedding tape. This one has 3 step sections to it, so you could always just do 1 or 2 to start. Good Luck! Sorry I can't help at all with modifying dips and lunges, though there is a recent thread on in the Reader's Forum about this that you may want to check out.
Wedding Tape

The Wedding Tape is an excellent intro to Cathe, IMO. There is a some wedding/fiance/in love talk in it, but it really has really good music (music used in some of her more advanced videos). The intensity is pretty good too -- esp. if you use an 8" step.

The weight portion is not very challenging, but could be if you varied weight poundage and "heavied up" on some of it.

I would recommend the Wedding tape instead of the Firm's Fat Blaster, which isn't particularly challenging. Fat Blaster has nice music and I love the instructors and the abs work. But the cardio is early-intermediate level, at best. After doing Cathe videos, Fat Blaster just sits on my shelf.

I like the Firm's Better Buns and Body and still include it in my regular workout regimen.

Hope this helps you some more
Knee problems and Cathe

Hi Cynthia!

I too have "bad knees", ever since my first knee injury in the eighth grade (decades ago!). I also did Firm videos for years, using fairly heavy weights (15-20 lb dumbbells), and ate lots of Ibuprofen. I made out tolerably, as long as I held off on running.

I too was intimidated by the warnings of Cathe's tapes and I finally got up the courage to order StepMax. Even being what I thought was a respectable Firm exerciser, this tape kicked my butt - I couldn't even begin to get through it. But I kept at it, and after a couple of times, I could gasp my way even through the third section.

So I would advise you to go for it - you will boost your cardiovascular fitness like you wouldn't believe. You will need to be careful with your knees just like with Firm tapes. Ice them after every workout - this will really help. Another thing that has really helped me, and I thank Cathe for her website, is that the company Stagestep sells 'portable' flooring. It's a 4x6 piece of vinyl-like flooring to use under your step, and it has really made a difference in the impact my knees take - I have much less pain than I used to. This piece costs about $120 if I recall - I have two pieces in my basement and it is saving both the carpet and my knees. The website to Stagestep is in Cathe's section called aerobic flooring. It has been well worth the investment.

Sorry for the length, but hope this helps and have fun with Miss Cathe - she is the best!

I was the biggest chicken to try Cathe's cardio tapes..

...I had ordered 4 several months ago, but was scared because of the "complex" label put on by Collage. I read a previous post about folks who said that Cathe is not that complex, and that we should go for it.

Well, last night I did the first half of MIC because I don't have a big step yet ( I ordered it yesterday.) I lived through it, and must say that it was a pleasant experience! Cathe is a good instructor, the music is good, and I would go as far as to say that I had fun (sweatin' and pantin' ).

I must go along with the advise to GO FOR IT! Do part of a tape if you can't do the whole thing.
I'm proud of myself for doing what I did the first time out.
I wish had conquered my fears sooner....."Feel the fear and do it anyway!!!"
Cathe rocks!

I too was a bit nervous using her tapes at first, particulary Body Max, that tape is not for the weak! I did the Firm as a warm up for Cathe. I do find Cathe tapes more challenging than The Firm because she (Cathe) presents serious weight training exercises than just mere "toning". I love the fact that she encourages us ladies to not shy from heavy weights. Believe me they give you results! I alternate between Firm's Standing Legs and Cathe's cardio and weight tapes, the result is awesome.
Wow! Thank you!

You have all been so helpful and encouraging... Thanks for all of the "pearls of wisdom"... I've learned a bunch!


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