new: have Power Hour, video; is there a matching step?


Active Member
I am so excited :p after finding Cathe on FitTv and getting advice from you all here.

I just got my first video Power Hour which is terrific. I want a cardio workout to do every other day but I'm only seeing a lot of advanced choreography with Cathe's step aerobics. :( I'm just not that coordinated.

Can anyone recommend one that is more basic in the steps without sacrificing the intensity?

Thank you for any advice.

Hello Patricia, I am a certified klutz and just want to encourage you. Dive in!! You will get it even if you think you can't. I would only go as far as I could in a tape, and then rewind, and keep trying. That was half the fun:) I know I got a workout and eventually I got the coreography as well. I love IMax 1 and 2, but pick one you like and run with it. I also recommend dvd because you can slow then down with slow motion.

Others will post better than I have as far as recommendations, but just know that whatever you choose you will "get" with time.
I am totally choreography-challenged, and even I have managed to master a couple of Cathe's: Step Heat, Step Max, and How to Get in Shape for your Wedding (this one has the easiest choreography, but I feel is the most intense of the 3).

If I can get the moves down, ANYONE can!

Good Luck!

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