new firms?


Active Member
Has anyone tried them? I need something new to help me lean out and lose about 10lbs. Any help that ya'll can give me would be great!!! I want to look good for summer, ya'll know what I mean! Thanks So Much!!!
Go to the FIRM YaYa board. You can find plenty of reviews on their forum. You may have to register first on EZ Board.

My opinion is that the new series is 'okay'. It's not bad, and it's not great, it's a decent workout series that may give you some positive results. I like the Emily tape best. The others didn't really get my heart rate up very much. Overall, I think this series is targeted more towards beginner/intermediate exercisers. I didn't feel much with the tapes in their pure form. I had to lift heavier weights.

If you've been working out with Cathe for awhile, you may see some benefits to changing your workout style. I've heard about some people who say they hit a plateau with their current exercise program, and needed a change of habit to break the plateau. The FIRM may help you do this.

The FIRM workouts are not nearly as intense (high impact) as Cathe, but if you go heavier on the weights than what the instructors show, you should be able to get your heart rate up. The down side is that the new FIRM series costs ~$90. I think that's a little pricey, considering what you get, 3 tapes/DVDs and an 8lb body bar, but again, this is just my opinion. I wish The FIRM had made the bar heavier, but oh well. Oh, and there is NO chaptering on the DVD. :(

If you are just looking for a series of tapes that can help you lose a few pounds/inches. I'd recommend Cathe's Intensity Series. I don't know if you have this already. I think Cathe's tapes are much more thorough than The FIRM, but maybe I'm a little biased because I've seen such outstanding results from using Cathe.

Also, whatever exercise program will be enhanced if you also adopt a clean eating program, and drink lots of water.

Good luck with whatever you decide. :)

Hi Jessica --

I don't know much about the new FIRMS but I'm a big fan of the original classics, especially Vol. 1, 2, & 3. These are total body workouts combining aerobics and weights. I think they are only available in VHS, not DVD. I've done these tapes for years and they can be tough, especially if you heavy up on the weights (as I do). I have tried some of the later FIRMS but think they are much easier than the classics.

I've seen the classics on eBAY from time to time.


P.S. Almost forgot, these tapes are good if you're looking for a leaner, toned look (like a dancer)
I have the new kit. I like them, but they are not my favorites of the Firm. They are not as challenging as I hoped, but I do find it a good workout. I guess it all depends on your fitness level. If you like a killer workout and are an advanced exerciser, you might not like these. But if you are intermediate, you will probably like them. I am glad I got them, bec they are fun to do and the sculpting stick makes it easier on your knees.
I love the new Firms! I actually have a love-hate relationship with the Firm but their system really is results-oriented. You can make these workouts as hard or easy as you want by adding more weight. My favorite is Emily's tape, then Jen's, then Allie's.

What I hate about the Firm... the instructors really need to get a kinesiology clue! The sculping stick is useless for resistance when you are not resisting gravity. Examples are the "tricep press-downs" in Allie's tape (which are really negative bicep curls), and "rhomboid pinches" in Jen's. In order to work the upper back you must flex forward from the hip to resist gravity. In Jen's tape, she does behind the neck (yikes!) negative military presses and calls it back work. Yes, the traps are working on the up phase but one would think the Firm would know better than to do this contraindicated move.

What I love: The moves are always innovative and easy to learn. The concept of weights and aerobics really does work! I always feel like I'm in an elaborate production when doing a Firm video.

If you know how to modify and can ignore their temporary brain cramps (I always correct them out loud!) :7 , these are really good tapes.

>What I hate about the Firm... the instructors really need to
>get a kinesiology clue! The sculping stick is useless for
>resistance when you are not resisting gravity. Examples are
>the "tricep press-downs" in Allie's tape (which are really
>negative bicep curls), and "rhomboid pinches" in Jen's. In
>order to work the upper back you must flex forward from the
>hip to resist gravity. In Jen's tape, she does behind the
>neck (yikes!) negative military presses and calls it back
>work. Yes, the traps are working on the up phase but one
>would think the Firm would know better than to do this
>contraindicated move.
Hi Roe,

I agree 110%! I almost laugh when Allie tells us we are working our "triceps" with the reverse bicep curl, then later says the same move (rightly) works our "biceps".

As for contraindicated moves, remember that the Firm has also done fast deadlifts (which they call "goodmornings") and those questionable "curtsy dips".

I also love the new Firms. My favorite is Emily's (I grin when she says "gettin' down with the fanny lifter"), then Allie's, then Jen's. Guess I'm more into the Firm 4 limbed aerobics than the pure strength workouts. I also really like the music!

I can't wait for Cathe's mini-step topper to come out, as I think it will be more stable than the fanny lifter for the cardio moves (I'd like to put a little more "oomph" into them, but I'm afraid my fanny lifter will scoot across the room!)
Hey Kathryn! Ah yes, the Goodmornings and Curtsy Dips. I modify those too. The curtsy dip isn't bad if you limit the range of curtsy motion. I never did get the purpose of that move with the excessive external hip rotation. The glutes extend and externally rotate the hip but the curtsy feels awkward with excessive rotation. Does it bother your joints? I can see where it might cause stress.

I find Allie's video a little difficult to follow at times, especially that insole-hamstring segment. I keep doing "Cathe" arms and get all messed up!

Years ago I bought the wooden 14" tall box which is a lot more stable than the fanny lifter, but I work out on rather thick carpet which doesn't allow for sliding of equipment. And I also crack up when Emily says "gettin' down with the fanny lifter!" The term fanny lifter is just so stupid it's no wonder people mock the Firm!

Do any of you have Core Cardio I? I did that workout the other day and I felt like I was doing a Cathe workout. It was so intense and high-impact. I was sweatin' all over the place. I find that when I alternate Cathe rotations with The Firm rotations, I get great crosstraining benefits; their focus is different so they complement each other well.

I have them and I like them. But not as much as I like the IS.
But I'm so sick of hearing fanny lifter. And how great the stick thing is. Oh well.

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