New CIA Videos


Need some advice. I am a constant reader of Cathe's website and really enjoy all the great advice that comes from the participants so I thought I would post this question. I have purchased all of Cathe's new videos (and of course have all of her old ones) and can hardly wait for their arrival. I now am looking at the new CIA series part two, but am unfamiliar with the instructors except for Franny who I love. I thought I would see what other Cathe fans are doing since obviously we all love her intensity and sytle. I also have all of Christi Taylors tapes. I have mixed luck with CIA tapes with the intensity. I prefer advanced, but don't mind an occassional int/adv. Since the presale is so good, I can't decide if I should purchase all four of the new series or do the three and choose a fourth. Any thoughts. Thanks.

new CIA's

While ordering the new Cathe videos did not require a decision, I thought a long time about the new CIAs. I have not been happy with most of their tapes in the past (more style problems than intensity) so I had quite a debate with myself. First I looked at the choices for free tapes with buying all four and decided that I wasn't interested in either one of them. Then (after all the raves on VF) I thought I might like 2K02. I also have been wanting to try Franny and the RAW tape sounded like it might be different (between the other two it was a toss up for me). Anyway I finally went with the 3 tapes with one of my choice. 2K02 arrived lst week and if you like intensity I'd highly recommend it. It's intense, fun and different from anything else I have. Even if the rest of the tapes are only so so, I have a winner in 2K02! Just my thoughts.
Thanks for your input. I will probably go that route as well because I am not really interested in the two free ones. Which of the other two did you buy. Its a toss up for me as well. Its hard to buy sight unseen except for Cathe's videos. I bought the 2K02 before the presale (unfortunately) based on all the good feedback and I really like the tape as well. I am trying to figure out what other tape to buy based on the video fitness reviews. Thanks

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-00 AT 09:10AM (EST)</font></center>

I wouldn't be surprised if Linda McHugh's tape is more intermediate because of the short length of both the workouts. I think your safer bet, if you are looking for intensity, would be to skip hers and do the "buy 3, pick any other one free" option. A very intense workout is 2K03 - Sherry's kickboxing tape. Happy shopping!

Thanks. Well I think I am going to do the buy 3 pick one for free. I got the same impression based on the description of Linda's tape. I read the reviews of Sherrys 2K03 tape and it sounds great but everyone said it was for the experienced kickboxer. I have powerkicks and work it into my rotation about once every couple of months, but I am certainly not an experienced kickboxer. So I wasn't sure if I should get it or not. I will check it out again. Thanks for your thoughts.

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