need your support; just can't do it anymore!


Active Member
Hi all:

Well, at 37 weeks, I just can't work out anymore! I am very out front (second baby) and the last few workouts I paid for it for about two days. Anyone else had to stop in their last month? I was hoping to keep it up all the way, but just can't. And I am a very consistent exerciser. Please let me know your stories and tell me I will be fine! I have gained 35 lbs. and I am OK with that. I just hope not to gain a whole bunch more now that I can't keep up the cardio. Even light walking is tough.

I may try to do light squats and seated upper body this weekend. belly is to big and I can't even get close to a 90 degree angle!

Any support is appreciated!

PS: The pregnancy it going very well otherwise!
I quit at 37 weeks also. My tummy was so huge, and I got so breathless I just couldn't do it any more and figured I didn't need to torture myself by trying. Don't feel bad - working out through 37 weeks is an incredible accomplishment and not working out those last few weeks will not hurt you, IMHO. I just found it more discouraging to have to modify so much and still feel awkward that it wasnt worth it. I only gained about 22 pounds but lost it all by 3 weeks post partum.

You should feel proud of what you've done so far. I say relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. Good luck!
Go easy on yourself. I found that slow walking was all I could face for much of my pregnancy so I would walk slowly - perhaps 3/5 miles about 4 days a week. With the extra baby weight that was quite a workout! Eating sensibly was what really kept my weight down - only gained 25lbs and lost it all now (baby's 3 weeks old).

Good luck!

Your friend in fitness, Fitnik
I agree that you should pat yourself on the back for exercising regularly up to 37 weeks. I am coming to the end of my 32nd weeka and have already backed off of my workouts. I have been having some pesky tightening in my lower abdominal region that gets quite intense sometimes and is aggravated by activity. I have resigned myself to the fact that I need to just take it easy for the next few weeks and that I can get in shape again after the baby comes. I don't want to jeopardize the baby in any way for the sake of a few treadmill miles. I have managed to keep my weight gain reasonable (25 pounds so far--was underweight to begin with). I am certainly not being sedentary though. I am quite active throughout the day training my clients as well as doing Christmas shopping, decorating, housework, etc. I am also coming down with a cold at this point so I am finding that I need more rest than usual because it is kicking my butt. YOu only have 3 more weeks to go (give or take) and you won't lose everything that you have worked to maintain. Enjoy these last few weeks--enjoy what is left of your "me" time (assuming you don't have other children already) and stock up on some rest. Take care!!
I had to stop at about 37 weeks this time around, too... I was mostly swimming in my last few weeks, and I'd find that it would energize me for about an hour or two, but then I'd want to sleep for hours, and I know from my prenatal training that when your body tells you to stop, you really should listen!

Don't beat yourself up -- exercising for 9 mos. while pregnant is awesome, and you'll be able to get back to it SO much easier than women who don't exercise at all.

I even had a c-section and wasn't able to really exercise for 5 or 6 weeks after Robby's birth, and I lost all 38 lbs. of my pregnancy weight in 3 mos... I really chalk that up to the prenatal exercise that I did do.

Thanks for your encouragement everyone. Even since I posted this a couple of days ago; I have gotten even bigger! I am a little more at ease with not working our now because I can tell that my body and baby are not up for it. I am still working at a stressful, high pace job (which I love) and I am trying to cut down on my hours and that is taking its toll a bit to.

Overall though I feel good and still see a few muscles here and there.

Thanks for your stories! Next time I post will be baby time!


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