Need Your Input


Hi. I've been perusing collage and videofitness looking for an instructor to help with new Cathe withdrawal. I'm looking for fun, intense (and some less intense for lighter cardio days), athletic cardio with easy to catch on to choreography...step, hi/lo, kicbox...I love them all. I've narrowed down some choices based on instructor reviews and have come up with this list....

Terrie Reeves
Donna Read
Candice Copeland

Can someone recommend a video?? Other instructors?? Some background on me....I do almost exclusively Cathe cardio, I'm somewhat choreography-challenged, ie. takes about 3-4 run thru's to get down Cathe's steps. I've tried Mindy her personality and most of her cardio, except she can be a bit too fast and a bit too intense. Franny her style, but a tad too dancey for me. Christi thank you, WAY too dancey (but LOVE her music). Karen Voight...not enough personality. Kristin Kagan...never could get the choreography. I have the Powerstrike videos, and like them alot. Geez....I'm making myself sound picky, lol! Thanks for your input!!

:) Stacy
Hi Stacy -

I was a former super-klutz and I started off with Gin Miller's Intense Moves and Step Reebok The Video. Those are both good tapes. They are not too dancy but will definitely get the heart-rate up. Step Reebok The Video may seem intermediate to you if you're used to doing Cathe. Intense Moves is excellent and will kick your rear if you do all the moves as Gin does them.

Anoter instructor I like is Gilad. He has a good step workout and a hi/lo tape. Can't remember the names of them, but I know they sell both tapes at Collage.

Kathy Smith's Step Workout has easy choreography and is taught a slower pace than some of the names you mentioned in your post.

Those are the tapes I started off with and they helped me learn some basic patterns and moves.

Good luck!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-14-02 AT 09:25AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi...thanks for your input, but I was looking to get a little more info on the instructors I listed. I have Kathy Smith's Power Step and use it for a light cardio day. I also have most of Reebok's tapes, but find myself reaching for Intense Moves and the Power Workout most often for light days. I did have Gilad's tapes but got rid of them b/c after doing Cathe I found Gilad too easy and Cedie and Rhonda are much better background exercises than those Hawaiian Tropics chicks Gilad always seems to have on his videos!! (Does that drive anyone else crazy??)

:) Stacy

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