Need Weight Training Advice


I am in my 26th week of pregnancy and have been trying to do at least 2 total body weight workouts per week. This is what is frustrating me about weight training and I'm hoping that Shelia and others will have some advice on this: When I lift with heavier weights (about 18-20 lbs for lower body and 15-18lbs for upper body), after the workout I am very wiped out which is a feeling I do not like or think is healthy (i think it is my body's way of saying I've done too much). During the workout I feel moderately challenged and may have to take an occasional break or two to make sure my heart rate doesn't get too high

When i use lower weights (mostly around the 15lb range for lower body and 8-15lbs for upper body) I feel fine after the workout--even energized. However, during the workout I don't feel all that challenged, though, I can honestly say that I do feel like I am getting a work out as I will "feel it" some what in my muscles.

I was wondering if others have experienced this same thing with weight training and how you managed it. I guess I mostly lean towards going with how my body feels which means using the lower weights...but then I think I am not getting the full benefit of the workout...any thoughts or advice on this is greatly appreciated!
I lightened up while I was preg and really didn't enjoy my workouts too much at all. I love feeling challenged and having to push myself, and most of all seeing progress! I didn't get that during my pregnancy, but my baby's health was top priority. I pretty much started using FIRM vids just because they already seem to use lighter weights. But, it was worth it! It isn't taking as long as I thought it would to get where I was. My arms and tummy are tightening up nicely. My legs have never been too tight so that's another story! So keep it up AND do your kegels!

When are you due? Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Hi, Andrea! Thanks for the response. It is reassuring to me to know that others went through this and that it really is the best thing to go easier on those weights. I will keep up with my weight workouts at a pace that feels comfortable!

I'm due Aug 12--it is great to hear that you are "tightening up" and pleased with your progress. When did you have your baby? So far I have gained only a little bit of weight/fat in my thighs and butt, most of my weight has gone to my breasts and tummy! I'm pleased with this as I was worried that I would gain alot in the thighs as I tend to store fat there. I'm hoping that by continuing to workout I will maintain where I'm at in terms of muscle tone. How soon after your baby were you able to start working out again?

Thanks for your time! Kellie
Hi Kellie!

I started working out 5 weeks postpartum. Then 3 weeks later I got my tubal and was off for another 2 weeks. My guy is 3 1/2 mo. now (born 1-20). I was able to nurse him, and comparing it to my first (which I didn't nurse) my recovery was much slower. I didn't even have the desire to work out the first 2 or 3 weeks cause my body was just so tired. I know it's hard working out while pregnant and really enjoying it. I kept checking in at the Open Discussion forum to help keep me motivated.

I can't say if it made my delivery any easier, but it was the most awesome experience of my life. I was very emotional about it for at least 2 weeks. My first experience was horrible. I only had one stitch, which was much better than my first, but I don't know if exercise helped that or what. Oh you are just gonna love your new little one!!! They are so precious! Keep us posted!

I know how you feel! I am in my 19th week of pregnancy (my first) and have really struggled w/ my strength regimen. I was pretty fit prepregnancy and into a heavy duty strength program. I have definitely noticed a difference in my strength and endurance. It started pretty much right away for me, too!
What I felt has helped is lightening up my weights but using slower, more controlled motions.I don't feel like I am as out of breath or tired, yet am still getting some quality work accomplished.
Also, (and I keep having to remind MYSELF of this)...we are SUPPOSED to gain some weight and lose some of our strength. It's nature. Just keep reminding yourself how far ahead of the game you are by just being consistent w/ a workout. Your recup. time post delivery will be miles above somebody who didn't exercise during pregnancy.
Good luck.

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