

I think I may have broken my wrist last night playing basketball. I'm going to have an x-ray today.

I'm just sick about it. The first thing to enter my mind was, how am I going to do upper body? Then I thought of all the yard work I need to do. I am thankful it wasn't my ankle.

Anyone been through this? And is there ANY way to do upper body?

Thanks for listening!

never have broken a bone (yet)

but I put plenty of casts on (sorry-my kids, when I have em, will NEVER get a trampoline!!! 3 casts in one week on different kids-that's a lot for a small town) I hope everything turns out OK, or that you can get by with a splint. But remember that for the first few days, elevate a lot and take it easy. I wonder if tubing would work so you could still at least work your delts and back? At least with tubing or fitness/therabands you can wrap or hook the end about your cast or splint. If you're in a splint though, don't get too crazy with pressure over the area, may be painful!!!
hope it all turns out ok for you!!!
julie ;-)
Hi Susan,
I broke my wrist last year and it took six weeks to heal. I did no upper body work during that time and was in a panic over it, but it really didn't take long to get back to normal once I got started again.
Talk to your doctor and get his/her opinion on any strength work that you can do while your wrist is healing. I was told to do none and I followed that advice and healed completely so it was definitely worth it.
Good luck and hope you heal quickly!
Thanks guys for the advice! I'm getting ready to go get it looked at any minute. Hopefully it's just sprained. It did go pop when the girl fell on me. It's very painful to move it or hold on to something.

Erica, thank you for telling me about your experience. I know it is best to let things heal. Maybe I can get to a gym and do some machine leg work. Did you do housework and cooking?

Thanks again!
I broke my tailbone at the same time I broke my wrist (someone knocked into me while I was roller skating and I fell and landed on my behind and wrist). The broken wrist really didn't keep me from doing normal household chores unfortunately! But, you could definitely tell your husband and kids that you have to rest for a while! ;-)
Let us know what the diagnosis is! Take care!

I now have this seemingly huge splint on my arm. I go in a few days to get a cast put on. It is a clean break. I also have a broken finger on my right hand. I did that a week ago, at a practice for our tournament. It is in the first little nuckle of my ring finger. I thought it was jammed, but it didn't get any better. So...I thought, after the tourn., I'll go have it looked at. If I had gone sooner, I wouldn't have been playing Sat. night, therfore, my wrist would not be broken. I'm sure there is a lesson in there for me!!!!

I'm wondering about cardio. Can I do it if my wrist doesn't hurt while doing it? I will ask the Dr. when he puts the cast on. I may just go for a walk today, between icing and elevating my arm. I can also do ab work, so maybe I won't go totally to pot!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-02 AT 12:03PM (Est)[/font][p]posted twice

Hi Susan,
Sorry to hear about your fractures - ouch!!
My totally unprofessional opinion about cardio - I think it's ok to do cardio as long as you are extremely careful not to do anything where you can lose your balance - you don't want to fall on that wrist! Also, I would wait to do anything high-impact until the wrist is in a cast so that you don't shake the bone around while it's healing.
Can you do floor work for your lower body?
Hope the doctor has some good advice!
Take care!

You could always ride a stationary bicycle, right? I broke my arm once and used to ride a bicycle, go running in the woods, etc. Of course be super careful so you don't fall down, but a bicycle seems totally safe. For weight training. Why not just work one side?

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