Need tips for making it through the week


Now that the 5-day work week is fast approaching again, I was wondering if anyone has any tips for keeping up energy during the work week? I generally start off energetic and focused on Monday, and by Friday need an ambulance to transport me home. Does anyone else have this problem, and does anything help? Thanks for any tips!
Is there anything you do differently at the beginning of the week than the end? For instance, do you work out more or less at the beginning? Or do a particular type of workout? Eat differently? Get more sleep?
Now that the 5-day work week is fast approaching again, I was wondering if anyone has any tips for keeping up energy during the work week? I generally start off energetic and focused on Monday, and by Friday need an ambulance to transport me home. Does anyone else have this problem, and does anything help? Thanks for any tips!

I'm right there with you Nancy but I start losing my energy around Thursday. I think it's because of a hectic schedule and all of the rush, rush, rush. I get up at 4 am but go to bed by 8 - 8:30. However, during my work day it's zoom, zoom, zoom from the time I get up until I go to bed. That's just the way it is and it has been for years. I really do hope someone has a good suggestion!
I get up at 4 am but go to bed by 8 - 8:30. However, during my work day it's zoom, zoom, zoom from the time I get up until I go to bed. That's just the way it is and it has been for years. I really do hope someone has a good suggestion!

I'd like to know how you handle getting to bed by 8-830. I get up at 3am yet it's unusual for me to get to bed before 9 or asleep before 10. I'm exhausted by the end of the day. People are always making cracks about my having to get to bed so early, and like tonight we have bible study and I won't even get home before 9pm, tomorrow night it will be 8: before I get home. Yet if I don't wake up at 3am, I won't get in a workout. I suppose what I'm asking is do people make fun of your hours and how do you handle it?

Nancy, no suggestions other than to check and see if you are getting enough vitamin B and iron. I don't find the days of the week less energetic as much as the afternoon hours of each day. Say around 3pm, I know it's time for a cup of coffee to get me through the afternoon, early evening.
I'd like to know how you handle getting to bed by 8-830. I get up at 3am yet it's unusual for me to get to bed before 9 or asleep before 10. I'm exhausted by the end of the day. People are always making cracks about my having to get to bed so early, and like tonight we have bible study and I won't even get home before 9pm, tomorrow night it will be 8: before I get home. Yet if I don't wake up at 3am, I won't get in a workout. I suppose what I'm asking is do people make fun of your hours and how do you handle it?

People make fun of me too- I get up at 3:45am. I just let 'em - I know what makes me happy and I know what's important to me.
I'm right there with you Nancy but I start losing my energy around Thursday. I think it's because of a hectic schedule and all of the rush, rush, rush. I get up at 4 am but go to bed by 8 - 8:30. However, during my work day it's zoom, zoom, zoom from the time I get up until I go to bed. That's just the way it is and it has been for years. I really do hope someone has a good suggestion!

I didn't mean to suggest that I don't start losing energy until Friday! Gosh, no. Monday is my best day, but by Wednesday I'm losing energy again. So, I know just how you feel.
Is there anything you do differently at the beginning of the week than the end? For instance, do you work out more or less at the beginning? Or do a particular type of workout? Eat differently? Get more sleep?

Absolutely! Weekends are my time to rejuvenate. I gets lots of sleep and exercise. I try to get enough sleep during the week, but I rarely have enough energy to exercise. Monday evening is the only time I have enough energy to exercise, and then I usually have DOMS from the weekend, so I can't exercise until Tuesday, by which time I have no energy left over for exercise. :confused:
Absolutely! Weekends are my time to rejuvenate. I gets lots of sleep and exercise. I try to get enough sleep during the week, but I rarely have enough energy to exercise. Monday evening is the only time I have enough energy to exercise, and then I usually have DOMS from the weekend, so I can't exercise until Tuesday, by which time I have no energy left over for exercise. :confused:

It sounds like that's your answer. Can you work out in the morning, when you haven't been battered around at work yet? Can you do some walking, or other low impact workout like dancing for even half an hour? Low intensity exercise that you can do consistently throughout the week will help more than being a weekend warror.
Energy loss by Thursday

That's me too. Monday I'm great, but by Thursday/Friday, I'm beat. I'm up at 5 getting the kids off to school and home at 5:30 for dinner, working out and maybe an hour of television before I do it all again.

I rest a lot on weekends. My workout off day is Saturday. I sleep in, run my errands and chill out in the evening. Sunday is housework and ironing, working out and back to start the week again.

If I'm disciplined and I go to bed early every night I'm good throughout the week. Not as tired, but tired on Friday.
How about planing a little something nice for yourself later in the week, something to look forward to and give you that little boost of energy to carry you into Friday with a smile ;) Perhaps a nice caramel mocchiato at Sbux :p
Your energy can definately be zapped as you go through the week if you are lacking a few things or neglecting a few things. Here are some things to consider:
1. Lack of sleep - the average women usually gets 6.25 hours at best, and yet we need 7.5-8hours to really reap the energy-giving aim for that.
2. Weekend Sleeping - maybe you are oversleeping in and napping on the weekend to catch up on the past week of neglect. If you aim for that 7.5-8 hours during the week, try to continue that schedule over the weekend to avoid avoid the oversleeping monday morning hangover.
3. Disorganization - if you are coming home to a disorganized messy house, your energy level will plummet even more after a full day of work. Be sure the dishes are done, the beds are made and the clutter is cleared before leaving for work. Ask the family to chip in so you can come home to a clutter-free relaxed house in the evening helping you mentally prepare for the next day.
4. Too much sugar and/or caffiene - even though these two things are known for creating energy, if done too much, these stimulants will leave you crashing harder later. Try to go a whole week with no caffiene and no sugar. The first few days might be trying, but once that mental fog clears and lifts, the result is a purely energetic body that needs no stimulants and functions at peak performance.
5. Waiting too long between meals - not eating for more that 4-5 hours or even going longer (no-no) can zap your energy big time, plus leaving you famished when you get home so that you overdo it on your night time noshing and then you feel guilty and stressed and stress really zaps your energy...its a viscious circle. Be sure to go no more than 4 hours between meals!
6. Speaking of stress....stress can drain your energy and focusing ability and leave you flustered and irritable not to mention tired. When feeling stressed or worried, take a moment and breathe or better yet, set aside 5-10 minutes of your day (say right when you wake up or right before you go to bed) and spend time in quiet, still, meditation. Meditation does wonders for stress!
7. Are you getting enough water - being dehydrated can really zap your energy. Make sure you are getting half your body weight in oz. each day!
8. Are you getting enough nutrients throughout the week - defiencies in iron, vitamin d, vitamin b-12, omega 3's, and magnesium can reduce energy big time. Eat lots of dark leafy greens and heart-healthy fish to keep energy levels at their peak and nutrient levels high.
9. Exercising just 20 mins a day?
Not quite enough to counteract the 8 hours you sit behind a desk all day. Get up and get moving throughout the day. Start your day off with a great cardio interval workout alternating between bouts of cardio and weights. Then at lunch take a brisk walk before you eat, and then when you get home do what I call a "commercial workout" doing squats, lunges, sit-ups and pushups when the commercials come on during your favorite shows!
10. Too much routine - routine can start to bore the mind and slow the body. Set aside something different and fun each day to look forward to. Say, stopping by a favorite store on your way home from work, or having lunch with a friend at a little tea house or cafe, making something decadent and healthy and eye-appealing for dinner, buying a good new book and going somewhere far away in your mind. That will give you something to look forward to each day.

Hope that helps! Healthy energy happens inside and out! Have a healthy week!

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