Need some sound advice!


I have had sciatica pain for about 2 months now. Had a MRI last week - results - two bulging disc. I am getting an appointment to see a specialist. My Chiropractor told me I should never do squats with weight on my shoulders, ok I can live with that. But, he also said I should never run, do jumping jacks or use heavy weights. Right now I can't do those things, but when I recover I would like to do those things again!

How can I stay at my present fitness level without doing Cathe?
I can give up running. But how can you stay at an IMAX level with only walking?

Any ideas?!

Did he tell you anything to do? Or just things to *not* do? When your spine is supported by all the muscles around it, evenly, bulging discs don't develop, unless you have scoliosis or some other condition that predisposes you to uneven stresses.

It would be nice to know what this chiropractor would advise a perfectly healthy person. Also, what is his fitness level - could you tell?

If you want a really educated opinion you should probably try to find a professional (like Maribeth) who not only knows pathology but who also knows about fitness and peak performance. Not only a cardio nut or a bike riding enthusiast, but someone who really has a comprehensive knowledge of fitness and how to work around a wide variety of obstacles.

No substitute for professional help, but worth doing, is reading about fitness and injury prevention and treatment (physical therapy, anatomy and physiology) because for all of us, knowledge is power.

One good book is Peak Performance Fitness by Jennifer Kries. Another one is Super Joints by Pavel Tsatsouline. A third good one is Health and Fitness in Plain English by Jolie Bookspan. There also must be so many other excellent ones that I have not yet read. Also, Gray's Anatomy is nice and Strength Training Anatomy (a picture book) by Frederic Delavier.

When you read lots of books you find contradictions. But the more you read, the more you find basic unchanging principles that you can use.

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