Need Some Advise on Aug 04 Rotation Please!!


Active Member
I posted this in the video rotation fourm as well but I haven't gotten any response so I thought I would post here as well.

Has anyone added the new DVDs to this past rotation or does anyone have any suggestions on incorporating the new DVDs to this?

Has anyone had any success on this rotation? Will this help to slim down the lower half...especially inner thigh...without bulking up the thighs?

Thanks so much, Kathy
Hi Kathy,

I have done the August 04 rotation twice. I did add in more running and substituted a couple videos. For instance, HSTA instead of Body Fusion.

Anyway, a couple substitudions you could do with the hardcore are. Instead of PS Legs and Abs you could do Gym style legs. You could sub PLB with Gym Style Legs too. Do Imax 3 instead of Imax and Imax 2. Instead of HSTA or Cardio and Weights you could do HSC. Just a few suggestions. Were you wanting to do a similar rotation with just Hardcores? That sounds like a good idea. I think I might try to put it together.

I hope I helped some.

Have a great day!


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