Need some advice from ya all...


Okay gals. since you have been so instrumental in my personal life (girl with a verbal abusive boyfriend who wanted to see my so called best friend in a bikini). I finally found strenght and dumped the jerk and I have never been happier. Well. I am now dating a mortician. But he is so funny he makes me laugh. My friend have been giving me crap about "doing the dead" and such. I need some good comebacks to slamm back at them....Anyone have any suggestions? But he is so much fun.
Thank you again.:)
What kind of comebacks are you looking for? I can only think of one & I don't think it's appropriate to post on Cathe's forum.

Give us an example of what your friends are saying about doing the dead.
Have you seen the series 6 FT under? I don't have HBO, so I've only seen the first season (it's out on DVD and Video). You might find some interesting nuggets there, or on their website.
My husbands father is a mortician. I'll have to ask him some good lines. One that comes to mind is..

People are dieing to get in!

Not sure if that will work in your situation, though.
You know what they say about "living well is the best revenge" - I would just smile and say nothing ;-) (I'm happy for you!)

This might be a stupid comeback but it usually works for me... At least he's stiff and give a wink indicating you have the best time in the bedroom more than anyone else.

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