Need Protein Bar recommendations please!


I'm struggling to get in my daily calories .. and figured some protein bars would at least help to add some nutrients here and there. The problem is .. I don't want meal replacement bars, because I want to use them as snacks .. I'm trying to find some that are around 150-175 calories .. that aren't loaded with sugar. I'm hypogylcemic .. so I can't do much table sugar before it hits me. are there any bars with about that amount of calories that uses sugar alcohols in place of regular table sugar?

I like Designer Whey's Detour, Joyride or OneWay bars. I get them at WalMart. They all range 150-170 calories, 4-6 grams fat, 15-17 grams carbs, 2-6 grams sugar, and 15 grams protein. Under $6.00 for a box of six bars. I also like Pure Protein...almost the same ratio but they have a bit more protein, and maybe 10-20 more calories. All of the above are pretty rich...taste like candy bars.
Sometimes they are in the cereal aisle rather than with the protein and supplements...go figure. They do make me feel pretty full if I eat one with a full glass of water.

Shelley, thanks for the heads up! These should come in handy. I don't really like bars, but after the day I had Friday at work in Day Surgery, I learned my lesson & need to practice serious damage control.


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