Need protein advice


I have been trying to incorporate more protein in my diet and cut the carbs. I really don't enjoy any red meat, chicken, or fish. I also have a hard time eating eggs. Strangely enough i do like these vegetarian chik patties by the brand Morningstar Farms. Right now I eat chik patties and natural PB for protein, but i am really in need of MORE ideas!!! I like lots of veggies but I am not sure the right ones to choose. Bottom line is I NEED to cut back on the carbs and get more protein, but i am having a very hard time. I am thinking about buying a book for vegetarians,but there are so many! Any reccomendations? Any advice would be appreciated!
Lisa Dorfman's sports nutrition book for vegetarians gets good reviews by other sports nutritionists. Here's the Amazon link.

I eat a lot of plant protein and don't understand why you think you need to eliminate the carbs. The primary source of protein for vegetarians is by combining different sources of plant protein. Grains with legumes or nuts/seeds. Grains and legumes are a source of carbs and protein, along with fiber & micronutrients. Dairy and eggs would also provide missing amino acids if you don't mind eating them.

Soy is a complete plant protein so you might explore other soy products beyond the chik patties. The market is full of other fake meat products but also look at fresh soybeans, tempah, tofu, soy milk, etc.

Hope this has given you some ideas.

I add extra protein to my diet with protein shakes, yogurt/fat free milk and sometimes with tofu. Firm tofu stir fried with lots of veggies is pretty good.
Some plant sources of protein:
Soy (someone already mentioned its various incarnations);
seitan (simmered wheat gluten) which in japanese means something like "pure protein";
quinoa is a grain that is a complete protein, and hemp is a complete protein seed.
For veggies, go for color and variety. The more colorful, the more nutrients.
I'll answer the book question. I recently became a vegetarian after following the Zone for the previous 5 years and thinking I needed more protein. Not necessarily true. I also don't think you should cut least not the good ones like fruits and vegeys. Beans are also a great source of protein and fiber! The book is "Eat to Live" by Dr Joel Fuhrman. It is very interesting reading. Good luck...:)...Carole
>I'll answer the book question. I recently became a vegetarian
>after following the Zone for the previous 5 years and thinking
>I needed more protein. Not necessarily true. I also don't
>think you should cut least not the good ones like
>fruits and vegeys. Beans are also a great source of protein
>and fiber! The book is "Eat to Live" by Dr Joel Fuhrman. It is
>very interesting reading. Good luck...:)...Carole

I second the "Eat to Live" book! I love it and ordered another copy to give to my mom!

The amount of protein an average person need per day is calculated as 0.8 x Body Weight (kg). For bodybuilders, they like to go on the extreme side and get 1.2 x Body Weight (lbs). For me, since I'm not a bodybuilder but I do strength training, I strive for 1 or 1.2 x Body Weight (kg). Tuna has plenty of protein. Have you tried soy products? Eggs are a good choice too. I usually make an all egg white omelette topped with low fat cheese for snacks. Another alternative is to get protein shakes which are low in fat and carbs to supplement you intake. Myoplex (a meal replacement product) has 42g of protein per serving. Optimum Nutrition has 22g while Myopro (the one I'm using now) has 20g. I hope this helps :)
I'm surpised no one has said it yet: vegetarians rely on beans and pulses and a wide variety of vegetables to get their protein. Start experimenting with bean salads, soups with pulses in, Indian food is heavy on the pules and the most interesting cuisine on the planet. Any book about basic vegetarian Indian cuisine will help you, try Madhur Jaffrey.

Hi,if you like dairy products,you could try lower fat yogurt or cottage cheese,i love Breakstone brand cottage cheese,a 1/2 cup serving has about 12g of protein and only 90 calories for the kind made with 2% milk Mrsscififanec

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