Need prepregnancy fitness advice



Hi! I want to explain my situation and get some advice. I have exercised (strenuously) on and off since I was 18 and without a break for the last five years. I have a balanced plan with step, spinning, weights, and abs.

Here's my concern--after many years of being "pudgy," I finally included good eating habits along w/my exercise and I lost about 20 pounds (with a few more to go). I went from 135 to 115-117. (I'm 5'2")

It is really a pleasure to be able to easily buy clothes for the first time in my life. At the same time, I feel my clock is ticking (I'm 32) and would like to try to get pregnant next year.

I'm really worried about gaining weight, etc. from the pregnancy because (for the first time ever) I feel good about how I look. I know that a baby should overrule these feelings--but, honestly, I'm worried.

I am so impressed with this forum that I want to start using Cathe's tapes and want to know what I should begin with now in preparation--so that I'm in good shape for the pregnancy--to get back in shape faster (and limit some of the physical problems that my friends had during and after their pregnancies).

Hi LaurieBeth!

I will leave the preparation of "what to do before getting pregnant" to Cathe or Sheila, but just wanted to say that you sound very committed to your fitness so that alone is 1/2 the battle! If you exercise & eat sensibly, I'm sure you will do just fine. I also know that the more fit you are when you become preganant the more likely you will be to bounce back quickly, not to mention the benefits you will receive during your pregnancy and delivery. Keep us informed!!! Hope someone else can jump in to give you advice on how to get started in preparation for it all. GOOD LUCK!!

My suggestion-

I know it is impossible to imagine life with a baby now, and all your thoughts are on pregnancy, but the real time to worry about is after your little one is here. It isn't that hard to exercise while you are pregnant- you can pretty much keep your old schedule (at least once you are past morning sickness). What you really need is to find some kind of plan to make sure you have an hour or two to exercise when your little one is here. That's when you lose the baby weight (although minimizing the gain helps a lot)and firm up those abs. If you don't have a schedule that allows your husband to take an hour a day to help you, you might want to scour your neighborhood to find a teenager who needs the money. I know babies (some at least) sleep a lot, but not neccessarily when you need it.
Hi Lauriebeth!

What a beautiful name you have.

Just wanted to tell you "I know how it feels to be concerned about pregnancy weight gain".

It is only natural that you would be concerned since you have worked so hard to get where you are. I have been pudgy since I was a teenager. I was always 2 sizes bigger than my friends, and it certainly wasn't easy.

I was in the best shape of my life when I decided to get pregnant. Mind you, I was still around 15 pounds overweight and didn't look good in bathing suits, even in my best shape. Heck, I guess I didn't even look good in shorts. But, boy, did I feel good! I had taken up running and had made it to 6 miles per run, and had never felt better!!
I believe the confidence that I gained from this (getting in shape), is the confidence that helped me decide that I could handle motherhood.

The important thing is that you (because of your past struggle to lose weight) already know what steps to take to lose weight. You're already in the habit of exercising, and you sound very determined to stay in shape. You have all of these things in your favor. So relax and go for it.

Good luck.

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