Need opinions on rotation:


I'm interested in really focusing on wt. work and building mass, but I'm unsure if I'm gonna over-do it. Here's what I had planned:

Mon-S&H Chest/PS BBA and PS Legs (floor only)
Tues-S&H Shoulders/cardio
Wed-S&H Triceps/PS Legs (standing only)
Thurs-S&H Back/cardio
Fri-S&H Biceps/cardio
Sat-S&H Legs/PS CST

I'm not sure if I've seen this question before, but would it be better to put an endurance type series with the S&H series? Would that diminish the mass building efforts? Something like the above only replace the PS series with Gilad's Quick Fit (lighter wts/high reps). Another poster is using the CTX series with S&H. I'm wondering which would be best at building and defining.

TIA for any input.

Hi Robin,

I'm also working on building mass and according to past threads, Cathe suggested doing Slow and Heavy with the Pure Strength tapes. However, that was basically doing slow and heavy work just for arms 3 days a week (meaning bi, tri, shoulder) and Pure Strength tapes for all of upper body. So a rotation could go like this:

Sunday - heavy biceps
Monday _ Pure Strength chest, shoulder, triceps
Tuesday - Pure Strength legs/or heavy legs
Wednesday - heavy shoulders
Thursday - Pure Strength back, biceps and abs
Friday - heavy triceps

This post from Cathe may have come before the S&H series because she recommended a different heavy routine. If you're interested in that routine, just let me know. She did however recommend that on heavy days you eat another 300 or so calories and more protein and to make sure you're getting adequate rest.

Re: your rotation, I'm curious why you added the PS BBA on Monday and no other PS upper body for the rest of the week.

As far as adding endurance, from all I've heard you should start an endurance rotation after you've completed your mass building rotation. The theory is that you build your mass and then you sculpt it with the endurance lifting. Good luck!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-05-02 AT 07:41PM (Est)[/font][p]oh, eema, thanks so much for responding. I really didn't know that you are *supposed* to do a strength rotation first and then an endurance one. There are so many rotations out there for so many goals and I wasn't sure if doing the S&H series with another strength series was gonna over work my muscles and limit my gains. So glad to see that Cathe had actually recommended it before. I was doing a search today to find info on this, and came across a post by Cathe stating that doing a strictly endurance rotation after a strength rotation would NOT cause any loss of strength gains. So, I was glad to see that.

To answer your question re: BBA, Cathe has said that the S&H series is so intense that it's only necessary to do each body part once per week to see max. gains. (this is the reason that I asked my question in the first place about over-doing it), so by adding the PS series, I'm doing each body part 2Xwk with heavy wts. and just don't think that more would be necessary for gains, and might really over-tax my muscles. I've actually decided to break up the PS series also:
Mon-S&H Chest/PS Triceps/short interval cardio
Tues-PS Standing Legs/S&H Back/Abs
Wed-S&H Shoulders/PS Biceps/short interval cardio
Thurs-PS Chest/S&H Triceps/PS Floor Legs
Fri-PS Back/S&H Biceps/short interval cardio
Sat-S&H Legs/PS Shoulders/Abs

Again, thanks for the input. Now, I'm confident that I have the go ahead from Cathe. I'm having so much fun with the S&H series. I could do this one forever.

My opinion is that you shouldn't need to do PS and S&H in one week. The exception would be your leg workout, if that is a problem area for you. In that case you could safely do two workouts for legs, but make one day light and one day heavy. When Cathe said PS and S&H were designed to do only once per week, she was right. It's VERY easy to think that more is better, but it ain't true.

PS Legs is good for going lighter and heavier.
Hey Robin!
This looks like my kind of rotation - what do you use for your short interval cardio? CTX Step and Interval? or the new Cardio Guerilla Fatblaster mentioned in another post? It seems you and I have the same goals...maybe I'll join you on this one :)

You guessed it!! That Guerilla Fatblaster jog/run thing. I did it this a.m. and boy was I pooped afterwards. I've been doing so much cardio (45-60 min 5-6 days/wk) for a long time and not seeing much in the way of muscles. I've decided to try this and see what happens. Also, I've been complaining that the S&H series is making me so sleepy that I could standing on nails. But, now I think it was the long cardios after doing a S&H workout. I haven't been nearly as tired and today, I'm wide awake. Not sure what the deal is/was.

If you decide to do the same thing, keep me up to date with your progress and I'll do the same.

Lighter only on PS if you were doing 2 leg workouts per week.

If your legs are not in any more need of shaping up than the rest of you, then just do each S&H tapes once a week for 3 weeks, then switch to the PS tapes once each per week. Stay on the PS tapes for about 4 weeks, then report back to us.

You REALLY don't need to do those tapes more than once a week, except if you're like me and have about the most stubborn leg mush this side of the Mississippi.
Hey Honeybunch...

I was wondering what side of the Mississippi you were on because these legs here are pretty darn mushy!!

Woe is me,

East of the Mississippi. Abs, shoulders, etc. are great, legs are reluctant to let go of the mush. We all have our trouble spots.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-08-02 AT 03:57AM (Est)[/font][p]I know in my case is the gene "pool." Pun intended! ;-)
Hey Robin..

FYI since I know you are in the fast pursuit of lean, mean, muscle....I read in "More Muscle", by Ken Sprague, that working your lower body inensely will cause your arms to get bigger. How?? Well, he says when you work your legs your body produces growth hormone apparantly much greater than the amount produced when you work just arms. He has done studies with people who worked their legs intensly and with those who didn't, and the leg group built more overall muscle....

Hope you find that helpful. Another very helpful poster on this forum recommended I buy that book and it is probably the most educational weight-lifting book I have ever read. Very should check it out...Take care, Janice
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-13-02 AT 09:09AM (Est)[/font][p]Oh Janice, isnt' that interesting??????? I wonder what 'heavy' means. I'm using as much as I can possibly get over my head, when it comes to my barbell. Well, it's not 'light' that's for sure, but I know that I could lift heavier for my legs if I were stronger in my upper body.

OK, DH is just gonna have to get up at 4:45 a.m. and spot me. I don't know how I'm gonna talk him into it, tho. Guess I'll have to return the favor some way. nyurk nyurk!


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