NEED OPINIONS: Favorite Yoga Video


Hello all.

I'm curious if any of you with yoga experience can help here. What is the BEST yoga video (or video series) and why?

I own and do ALL of Cathe's vids and consider myself in pretty darned good shape for a 38-year-old. (Still haven't completely mastered those levitation holds without push up bars, though...) Anyway, despite the fact that I've never taken a yoga class in my life, I feel like I'm a fast learner.

What's the best way to get started at home???

Thanks in advance for any advice here!

Yogazone: Stretch&Tone and Flexibility&Stress Release (both about 40min).

Love the flow of the w/o. They're not overly complicated but they are great if you want to get more flexible and I like Alan Finger's voice. Very soothing and calm. And at the end there is a relaxation part. I have fallen asleep at times ;-) but usually I get in this state where I am so relaxed I can't get myself to get up again.

I also have a few 20min yogazone w/o's with different instructors. Great if I don't have time for a longer w/o.
Bryon Kest has a DVD with 3 great yoga workouts on it that came highly rated. I think it was $18 at Amazon. "It's called Bryon Kest Power Yoga Complete Collection"
my favorites

bryan kest power yoga(3 workouts)
Yoga Shakti-this one is more advanced then anticipated but one to grow with,does alot of leg behind your head type moves for flexibility
Yoga Complete for Everybody-the Iygear style yoga using props to help with proper form,about 45 different practices,love to use the leg practice for extra stretch and opening of hips and legs.

for more basics yoga complete for everybody and rainbeau mars yoga. i only have one of hers but its pretty basic yet challenging for all levels. she shows some modifications to help along the way. the first yoga workout on bryans power yoga is meant for beginners/intermediates. i believe they have a modifier there too. also his other power yoga collection(power weight loss,intensive body sculpt,and 20min beginner workout) all have a modifier and he is very encouraging.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Hi Everyone,

I also am just getting started incorporating yoga into my weeks. I had put a question on other boards and also gotten some great suggestions, so I thought I would share.

Max Strom Yoga (got it at is really nice; it has 2 DVDs and there is a whole section where he takes each pose and breaks it down and shows you how to do it and how NOT to do it. I found this helpful since I am 'aware' of certain yoga poses but doing them at home and not being in a class, I don't automatically know HOW to do them right.

I also ordered Yoga Shakti which was highly recommended by a lot of people. Haven't tried it yet though.

I am becoming an addict already!


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