Need new rotation ideas


Active Member
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-02 AT 03:57PM (Est)[/font][p]I want to say first how much I LOVE my DVD's they are the best.. I have now been doing them for almost 8 months with good success.... In the beginning Cathe you suggested to do P.S. 2 months and then S.& H. 2 months... but now I have also the Power Hr, Max INt.Strength & Body Max... Wow what a workout those are... I am hypothryoid and 54 yrs old and somedays I just don't have the energy to handle PH,MIS& BM... so I ususally only do one of them for 2 week rotation after completing S.& H.
On the P.S. the t-bar row.. is it possible to do this with D.Bells.. I don't have the heavy wts that you use.
I play alot of tennis and want to really get strong in my shoulders and would like some suggestion there as well.
I am also looking for a DVD for stretching..

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