Need Input on a Few More Videos


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-02 AT 10:33PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Everyone, :)
Ok I Love my Slow & Heavy Series , :7,
And I Want to get the new Ab Hits tape, But I also would like to get a Few more Workouts. But not sure which, they would have to be about the same Pace as S& H series :-jumpy It's the first workout Tapes other than ABS That I!!! can actually Keep Pace With :-shy Being Slightly Handicapped it's hard to keep up..Even with All my Strength Gains. Mostly from The S& H Series. That's one reason I'm Pondering doing a Workout book or video especialyy for those who are at a Disadvantage allready. showing the modifications that I do use.
Hope to hear from some of you :D
I Won't be around Much so here's my E-mail Addy. so U Can contact me off list
[email protected]
Take Care & Noblesse Oblige,
Jill ;-)

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