Need Help With Shoulder Weight Routine


Active Member
Hi Cathe and educated crowd,

I have been exercising with Cathe & Co. for about 1.5 years and I am pleased with the results I am getting. Lately I have been doing more weight training to tone and define and although I have been getting stronger overall, I find that when I train my shoulders, I am still using the same weight as when I started. I cannot seem to break through and get stronger in the shoulders, and consequently, I don't have a lot of definition there. Do you have any suggestions for me? I have all your tapes except for the Slow & Heavy Series. I look forward to your reply.
Hi Nadia,

If you use the search function to look for "plateau," I think you will find that Slow & Heavy comes up often and is recommended for exactly that. You must be frustrated- you'll get through it though!

Good luck!

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