Need help picking the right DVD..New to Cathe


I am new to this website after readingg good reviews about cathe's workouts. I decided to come check it out and think this is an awesome site. I would like to purchase a DVD to get familiar with Cathes style. I consider myself an intermediate to advanced exerciser. I would like something that is a good sampler. I am considering the timesaver DVD but im afraid since i am not used to her style i will be lost. any suggestions?

Welcome to the board! I'm a newbie also- been here just over a week or so. Timesaver was my first purchase and I used it all this week and really loved it! I think it would be a good launching pad, so to speak, into Cathe's workouts. The cardios are about 20-25 min and some strength training for different body parts each day- day 5 is totally lower body weight training work. Each workout is about 45 min long. I have since bought her CTX and a few others. I'm hooked- as some of the great people on this board predicted...:) Again, welcome!

Hi KML and welcome. I think the Timesaver would be great and also if you go to the above website that says video clips you can see some previews of the videos and most of the preview is about 10 minutes or long. It will give you an idea of her moves also. Some or complex and some aren't. The CTX series is more high intensity then the Timesaver IMHO. Have fun:)
Welcome...Cathe's workouts are great!. I agree with the other posts, I think Timesaver would be a good place to start too. The ability to mix and match workouts make this DVD a must. But I do believe you could get addicted like the rest of us...:)

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