Need help..Maribeth..exercise physiology question, ANYONE!!!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-03 AT 10:24PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-03 AT 10:23 PM (Est)[/font]

I posted this to Cathe as well, but am interested if anyone can give me feedback on this one here as well....

Hi Cathe..

I finally have a question!!
I am experiencing mid-upper back pain when I do abdominal work, specifically anything involving the "crunch" motion. I know my form is correct. I have had this problem for many years and have always assumed it was from a muscular imbalance..maybe weak back muscles?? But I have been doing your tapes for a year now and my back still starts hurting, kindof cramping, about 2 min. into crunches. I have to stop and do the twisting stretch (where your legs go to one side and your arms to another) just to relieve this pain. It does feel muscular and I know there is nothing medically wrong, as I have been to a doctor for back pain before. Can you hypothesize on what this may be?? My abs are probably my weakest part, as I am not fond of crunches for the reasons above. Do you think my back is just working too hard to compensate for weaker abdominals??

Any input would be appreciated, as it seems I will never advance in this area because of this. Planks do not bother me....

Hey, Janice,
Could be several things, but I think you hit the most likely cause on the head. If your abs are weak, you will try to assist by pulling your head up with your arms, which means that your lats and lower traps are working.

Try doing crunches with your hands crossed over your chest instead. If your neck gets tired with no head support, put one hand behind your head for support and cross the other arm over your chest and switch off every 10 or so reps.

Good luck!

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