Need help losing weight


Hi everyone! i'm usually a lurker and never post but i really need help so i thought i'd come here for some advice. I am trying to lose 15 pounds and am really having a hard time with it. I am 31 years old 4'8" and 117 pounds. i have done the WW thing and have had success with it but couldn't stick with it. i'm trying to count calories but not exactly sure where they should be. I know not to go below 1200. i've been trying to work out to Cathe a couple times a week and walk 5 days a week on my lunch but so far the scale hasn't budged. Can anyone give me advice on where to begin and what to do?
Hi, Lori!
If you want responses from forum members, rather than from Cathe, I suggest you repost this in the "Open Discussion" forum.

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