Need help losing 20 pounds in 8 weeks.........


Active Member
I will be 41 in September and I would like to shed 20 pounds by then. I am really trying to clean up my diet, but with three kids at home and with me working at home as a medical transcriptionist I am having a very hard time this summer sticking to any type of diet. Does anyone have suggestions?

Also, I have about 1.5 to 2 hours to work out a day. I don't do any specific rotation. I am also looking for a rotation to lose weight with. I currently own: P90X (which I'm thinking of starting again, but in the third or fourth week I start missing Cathe and quit this). Of Cathe I own: IMAX 2/Cardio and Weights, Bootcamp/ME, PUB/PLB, KPC/LG, SS/PP, CTX, Kickmax, Lomax, IMAX 3, HSC and core max.

I am pretty much a lurker on this board, but I do enjoy reading your posts and have learned so much from them. So thanks in advance to anyong who responds to this.

In the "Ask Cathe" forum someone posted a question about a rotation for losing 20 to 30 pounds in 3 months. The post is still on the first page and has the link to Cathe's reply, it's titled "help from Cathe and others - 3 months until 10 year HS ..."

You could modify this based on the workouts you already have, your time frame and goals. Good luck and I hope this helps.
Anne, when I did my 1st P90X rotation I was 45, I had also majorly cleaned up my diet and I lost 21 lbs during the 90 Day rotation. I did do the doubles rotation as I ran 3 days a week and I added a Cathe leg workout and sometimes Cathe shoulders, bi's and tri's.

Wendy has some good advice to check out that rotation and also check out the Rotation forum.. have you been sweetie?? Miss you on the daily check-in...:)...Carole

Nice to meet another "at-home" transcriptionist. I am too. I work for a medical center here locally. How long have you been in the profession?
Thanks guys for replying. I think I am really going to concentrate on my diet and try to do cardio in the morning and weights in the evening incorporating my P90X and Cathe workouts. I will give this a try for a month and see what happens, but really concentrate on my diet and try not to eat after 7 p.m. which is another downfall as I work 4 hours in the evening.

Jane - I have been a transcriptionist for 16 years and an "at home" transcriptionist for 9 years working for a "national" company for 7 years and these past two years I have been working for a hospital. It is nice to know there are other transcriptionists out there working out to Cathe!

Thanks again - Anne
We are similar in experience Anne. I've been a transcriptionist for 18 years and at home since 1997 (8 years). The hospital I work for now, I've been at for a little over 7 years. Look forward to taking to you.

I'm just concerned that you are settiing a somewhat unrealistic goal for yourself and may be disappointed. You're aiming to lose more than the 2 pounds per week maximum that is often stated as the maximum safe loss for permanent loss. Often, weight that is lost too quickly comes back rather quickly. A more realstic weight loss goal might be 15 pounds by your birthday, and the rest of the weight by New Year's.

I'm sure your right. I guess I should just really concentrate on eating healthy. I have no problem with the exercise part, but my eating right now is very unhealthy. I had my third and last child when I was 36 and lost all of my weight and was at a pretty healthy weight, but within the last 2.5 years I gained 25 pounds because of stress with a job change and I'm sure getting older my metabolism has slowed down. So I will try to be realistic about it. I know visiting these boards I do get a lot of useful information and I will continue to do so. Thanks for your input!

Hi Carole,
Thanks for asking. Things are going really well although it's getting trickier to do squats- my belly just keeps getting in the way;). I am loving being pregnant and it's hard to believe I only have about 10 weeks left. My DH was gone for the weekend so I've had a little more time to be on the forums. Hopefully, I can continue to be around here more, I've really missed everyone.

Hopefully, I'll be able to do this rotation in a few months:)

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