need help choosing the right workout for me

I am torn right now between the high step circuit and the high step challenge. I am fairly new to Cathe, but the previews i've seen make the high step circuit look like something i could get through to quickly. The High step challenge looks a little to challenging, but has premixes on it and its something i could work up to--Is this one pretty easy to modify to a lower impact? Looking for comments or suggestions from Cathe users. thanks
For what my .02 is worth, I'll let you know that I have both and I really like both in different ways. HS Circuit is very easy for me but I find that I can modify to make it a little more challenging. It's also a great workout on days that I want light cardio with light weight training. For me, it definately has a place in my rotations. Plus, you can always up the weight to make those portions more challenging.

As far as HSC goes, it is a great but very challenging workout out. It's very fast paced and incorportes a band which may sound easy but is really quite difficult. I think they both have a place in any rotation but just know that HSC is MUCH more difficult than HS Circuit. It does have the premixes which can make it more usable to the intermediate person but they are still fast-paced and may "scare" those who aren't yet familiar with Cathe.

I hope this helps. I guess it would be easier if both workouts were on the same disk huh?
thanks for the reply, I guess i'm having a hard time deciding where to go after Cathes low impact step workout- Can anyone suggest what workout i should try next?
It really depends on your current fitness level and your goals. Tell us about what you have been doing, how often, and what you'd like to accomplish. There are many choices! :)

Okay, normally i had been doing the firm, and many others (i like variety) I would say i am a high intermediate, been working out for a couple years now. Lately i've been working out 5 to 6 days a week usually alternating cardio with a cardio/sculpt workout. Right now i am focusing on fat loss and would like to lose a couple pant sizes! ;)

I purchased Cathe's LIS dvd and absolutely fell in love! It was exactly the change i needed! I've been doing this dvd for about a month now and wanted something else of Cathes to add to my new collection! I am having a hard time figuring out what would be the next dvd to get.

Any help, thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
This is too funny. I just recently switched over from The Firm to Cathe. And like you, the first DVD I purchased was the LIS. I love it but am also ready for a new one. I was thinking of buying the Low Max DVD. Does anyone think that is a good way to go?

I feel that I am also high-intermediate skill--although I only work out about 4 times a week.


I switched from the Firm to cathe about 2 months ago. My schedule is hetic as I'm a commuter and not home for 3 days a week and I work 12 night shifts...So needless to say I usually only get 4 days in myself.

I didn't buy the LIS set. I started with basic step which I had no problems with and was able to do it completely through on my second try.

After that, I wanted a workout that was challenging and one that I could grow with. It was okay if I couldn't do the complete workout because the premixes make it easier for me to learn the routines and still provides a great workout.

I bought Low max. I love it! I'm only doing the premix that included the first 4 intervals & blasts and includes a warmup and stretch. The choreography is complex. I watched it for a few minutes each day and even put it on slow motion to learn the rountine. It's definately challenging but so much fun! I started out using a 6" height while learning it but now I'm at 8". The extra 2" really makes a difference.

Another great workout that I'm also loving (I bought 6 dvds recently) is cardio + weights that is on the imax 2 dvd. It is so much fun. It's a nice awt workout. I haven't attempted the imax 2 yet.

The pryamids are also great if you're looking for a weight training workout. I have musclemax as well and it's very challenging. I'm working on that one...

Coremax is good too.

I'm thinking of ordering 2 of her next releases but I'm not preordering as I have enough on my plate with the workouts I have. I'm really interested in her mini workouts that she'll have at a later date. I'll probably order the low impact circuit and maybe butts and gutts with the mini workout preorder. It'll give me time to learn what I have and wait for the reviews.

Good Luck!
Thanks, Donna.

Sounds like i just need to bite the bullet and get Low Max. I have to admit that I'm a little worried because everyone says that they're so challenging. I guess that's a good thing though, because it'll give me something to work on and not get bored. :)

I have another question though... what exactly are the pre-mixes? I was looking through the LIS premixes and didn't really see much of a 'mix' or anything that seeemed too challengin, but maybe Im missing something. Maybe it's because the workout is already pretty short and the premixes seem too short for me. Im confused.

Hi Jen

The premixes are shorter because they contain segments of the workout that are lumped together so you don't have to rewind or fast forward to get to a part of the workout you're interested in doing.

On lowmax there are several premixes. The only I usually do includes the warmup, cardio intervals 1-4, the first 4 intensity blasts and the cooldown. It's about 45 minutes.

There is also one that has the warmup, cardio intervals 4-7 with the intensity blasts and the cooldown. I think it's about the same amount of time (45 minutes).

Another option is just doing the 7 step combos (no intensity blasts) with the warmup and cooldown. And yet another option of just the 7 intensity blasts that I think comes out to 20 minutes. I haven't done this but I think it also has the warmup and cooldown too.

The premixes allows you to customize your workout but unlike other workouts on dvd that are just chaptered, cathe has taken all the guess work out by creating smaller and perhaps more focused workouts within the dvd since you can adjust it to your needs on a particular day or if you're like me and new to her, it allows me to learn the moves so I can get through it.

I think it will be awhile before I can get through the entire lowmax workout so the premixes really help. I love that I can grow with it.

You're right it is challenging. Don't give up. I watched it on slow motion for a few days and practiced alittle each day until I got it. It's worth the effort and you'll be so proud of yourself when you learn the routine. I started out on a 6" step and sometimes if I'm having some back pain,(I've had 3 back surgeries) I'll still use the 6" height. I have done it on 8" and let me tell ya, it really knocks it up a couple of notches!

I love cardio + weights too. It's really fun and another great option for an AWT workout. I've been doing that one alot lately.I guess it's because I've just learned the rountine. The music is fun too. Really inspiring...

Good Luck!
Thanks, Donna.

That helps alot! I guess the premixes on the LIS DVD were just too simple for me and so I didn't really 'get it'. I'm definitely going to buy the Low Max next. That sounds like a great option and the premixes sound like a good alternative to the full work out (until I can do the full thing).

Thanks again for your help!


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