Need good missing!


Hi Girlies!

I was just wondering if I could get lots of good vibes sent this way!

As of now, its been 31 hours since our dog was seen last. One of my husbands friends just moved home and slept on our couch Tues night. He went out for a smoke and took the dogs with him, he came back in to get a coat and when he went back out Charlie was gone. He is all black so you can't see him in the dark anyway. We weren't impressed b/c you have to have eyes in the back of your head with that one, and DH warned his friend a few days prior. I felt bad for him cause he was only letting the dogs out to pee.

Well, as night set in last night my chest started getting heavier. He still hadn't returned home and Im wondering where he is and if he is cold, hungry or hurt. Then I wonder if someone has him and they are hurting him.
It just seems so strange that no one as seen him in the last few hours. The town police didn't get any calls of a lose dog, no one brought him to the animal shelter and he hasn't been killed on the road b/c the police would still call us. Everytime I woke last night to roll over I couldn't get back to sleep b/c I was wondering where he was.
Anyway, if he isn't back by tonight I really don't give much hope for the situation. Can anyone send their good vibes our way? Im hoping that someone found him yesterday evening when the shelter was closed and they will take him there today.
And DH's friend slept here again last night, if I have to hear the whole story one more time when he wakes up...IM GOING TO LOSE IT! I must have heard it 10 x's yesterday. I guess he feels bad.


Oh and our other dog hasn't stopped whining since he left...that doesn't help.
Oh Lori! What an awful feeling. I'm so sorry. I'll be keeping you and Charlie in my thoughts. Have you posted any flyers at the local grocery stores etc???

Keep us posted.

No, I guess that will be the next step today. We thought forsure that he was going to be found yesterday or that he would find his way home.

Big prayers and {{{{HUGS}}}} to you. I would be absolutely frantic if my pup was gone, so I can only imagine how you're feeling. I hope he's found today! Yes, flyers and post an ad on Craig's List with pictures (check Craig's list as well - a lot of found pups are listed there). I'll be thinking of you today.
Sending many, many, many, many positive vibes for Charlie's safe return.

DON' GIVE UP HOPE!! I would recommend hanging posters and talking to your neighbors. A friend of mine had a similar thing happen with his dog and it turned out that the dog ended up at a neighbor's house, just hanging out because he'd gotten disoriented and couldn't figure out how to get home. Since the dog didn't have a collar on at the time, the neighbor didn't know he belonged to my friend until my friend went looking for him there.
Lori, sending positive vibes your way. I know what you're feeling right now as my adorable Pomeranian, Sam got out of the house when my DS opened the door to let his aunt in the house but luckily he went straight in the direction of our vet. It wasn't until we found out later than our neighbor's daughter snatched him up while he was crossing the street (GASP!) and took him to our vet but she was closed so she took him to the dog kennel down the block. We picked him up the next day.

I hope I hear that Charlie's return was just as safe as Sam's.

Lori, sending prayers and positive vibes your way that Charlie is found safe and sound. I feel so bad for you and family:-(

Like Gayle said "DON'T GIVE UP HOPE!!" {{{{Hugs}}}} to your and your family.

Good vibes coming your way, Lorie.

So sorry you are going through this! Don't give up hope, two of my dogs disappeared a few years ago and the woman who found them kept them for a few days before she turned them into the shelter.

Put out flyers and check the shelter daily.

I am sure you will find him!!
Sending you good vibes, and the hopes that your dog comes back safe and sound...and soon!

Definitely check with the shelter, and ask neighbors if they've seen him.
The shelter just phoned and someone had spotted a black lab on the highway! GASP! He will never survive down there!
BY the time DH got there, he had disappeared again so him and his friend how searching for him now. Its nice to know he is still alive but I don't know how much longer if he is so close to a high traffic area.

Ill keep you updated!
Don't give up hope. He hasn't been gone that long. Post the signs, call the local vets and start looking. Wasn't it here that the dog Hunter was missing and has since been located. Sending good vibes your way that you find him. Same thing happened to our friend. Someone staying at their house took the dog out and she disappeared. She was found a week later and they were called because of her tags. She had travelled quite a bit. Wishing you all the best and good luck!

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