Need good reading recommendations!


Hi guys
I was wondering if any body can recommend a ggod book to read. I remember Anna giving some books to read, but do you think i can find the thread!

Anything would be appreciated!
There's a great thread called "Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing" dated Dec. 12 posted by DawnA.
Good Reads!

Hi Lynne---Reading is one of my favorite things to do, and I usually read about a book a week. Some of my all-time favorites include:
Donna Tartt -- either of her two books. Her recent one, "the little friend" was as good as her first book;
Joyce Carol Oates--I love all her books, but a good one to start you out would be "Foxfire."
Ruth Rendell (or Barbara Vine)--Ruth is one of the best mystery writers going. Her Barbara Vine books are a little more psychological thrillers. I just finished "Grasshopper" and it was excellent.
Ann Patchett's "Bel Canto."
Anne Proulx - Any of her books.
My ALL TIME FAVORITE is Jim Harrison's "Dalva" and it's sequel (I can't remember the title, sorry). Those books are incredible.
For "light" reading, I like Joanna Trollope's stuff.
A really hilarious book is Rachel Cusk's novel about a character named Agnes. I can't remember the title, but Agnes is in the book's name. "Saving Agnes"? "The Land Girls" is good, too. I think Cusk wrote it but I'm not positive.
I just read a book that was hilarious---"How to Cook a Tart" Can't remember the author, but it's a great story of an zaftig wife who wins out over the slinky tramp who tries to steal her husband. Be warned---the descriptions of food in this book could have you running for the fridge :)
There are many more I've read that I've loved, but I can't recall the titles. I give my books away after I finish reading them (library or friends).
Have fun! Suzanne
Hi Lynne,
I just read "A Girl With A Pearl Earring" and I absolutly loved it! I didn't want it to end. Great book. Right now I'm reading the hunting one (just started it) and so far it is good.


Make each day count!
The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. Anthropology/sci-fi/gripping story. Not the usual sci-fi. Best fiction I've read in years.
My vote is for...

Amazonia, by James Rollins.

This was a very good adventure/outdoorsy/science fiction type story. You could just picture all the vibrancy of the jungle while reading it. It was fast moving and interesting.

This book made the same impression on me that "Jurrasic Park" did when it first was published. I thought, "What a great movie this would be!" (and it was). I really hope this book has a film studio interested in it.

Happy reading...Dawn
Girl With A Pearl Earring is fabulous. I am currently reading her second novel. Some of my favorites are:
Otherwise Engaged (author slipped my mind)
The Color of Water by James Wright (I think)
Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquevel (sp?)
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver
Waiting by Ha Jin
Hunger by Samantha (something, sorry)
Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King
The Lovely Bones (again, author escapes me)
There are a ton more but I am quite forgetful today. Sorry!
These are well-known, but if you have not heard of them, Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections and Richard Russo's Empire Falls. I thoroughly enjoyed both. I just finished Allison Pearson's I Don't Know How She Does It, which I found very funny--and it seemed like a married-with-children-and-stressful job version of Bridget Jones's Diary. I also loved Russo's Nobody's Fool and Straight Man, which was laugh-out-loud funny. If you like mysteries, the Michael Connelly Harry Bosch hard-boiled detective books are great--especially Concrete Blonde.
Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner is a really good book. I also enjoyed The Lovely Bones (as Jilly suggested)- it's by Alice Sebold.
I've always been a reader and usually have a book wherever I go. I agree with many of the above suggestions.

Some lighter reading would be The Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Series by Laurell K. Hamilton. Sort of a tougher/more adult version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

~~ Sharon ~~
Hi, my good friend, Lynne!!! I, too, remember Anna starting a thread. I did a search for it and also came up empty-handed but I did find a couple more threads with lots of suggestions.


Have you read The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks? A real easy read but very moving. Happy reading! (& New Year!)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I've recently discovered Marian Keyes and can't read her books fast enough! I highly recommend her - funny and entertaining.

Hey, good to *hear* you again Debbie! How are you? How's Kennedy getting on, I bet she is big now! It's been along time since I have been at Cathe's place, mostly reading the posts. Aren't these intensity vids sounding good? I pre-ordered DVD's, so am anxiously waiting.
Good to hear from you again old friend, all the best for 2003!
War/spy books -- I'm a die-hard Tom Clancy fan! :) I also love political books (but that's probably the furthest thing you're looking for).

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-02 AT 01:50AM (Est)[/font][p]ooopps, double post! Been away too long!
I am reading an excellent book right now. It is called Wild Swans by Jung Chang. It is nonfiction, but so good.
one last one

Hi --How could I forget this one in my list of good books? Claire Messud's "The Last Life." She weaves a good tale, creates interesting, multi-dimensional characters, and her writing is life poetry. :)
Hey Lynne!

I am doing great! Thanks for asking. Yes, Kennedy is getting so big. She turned a year & a half old on the 12th. of December. She loves life, people and playing with all her toys. Keeping this on topic for your thread, her fav thing is to "read" books. She will sit and go through her books for an hour! She is learning the alphabet already and can tell you the letters!! I could go on but I won't bore you anymore with "granny talk"! I am right along with you awaiting the new series. I can't wait! Thanks for your note and Happy New Year!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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