Need breakfast suggestions


Okay. Here's the deal. Peanut butter toast is my staple throughout the work week. It's quick and takes absolutely no planning or effort. BUT: I go through a ton of it and would like to cut back. The only type I can find that has no trans fats is the natural stuff. I like it, but it's too expensive for the amount I eat.:)

Anybody have any ideas for some healthy, fast and filling breakfasts?
I LOVE low fat cottage cheese & fresh fruit, especially strawberries or blueberries. Takes 2 seconds to throw together. Some mornings I have light n' fit carb control (much less sugar) yogurt w/ fruit tossed in. Both very easy.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Hi Shannon,

I am living on smoothies for breakfast lately. Love fruit smoothies and right now my favorite is a starbucks frappucino-copycat that I made up. I use lite soymilk,ff.powdered milk(for extra calcium) and add protein powder to make it healthier. I promise, it's as good as the real thing!!
Also love whole wheat frozen waffles with yogurt on them. YUM!:p
On the days you have a minute extra, how about scrambled eggs (all whites, one yolk, or egg beaters) with whatever you like in them, I add salsa, in a wheat tortilla.
Or one egg (no butter of course) on a whole wheat english muffin.....
all filling, all yummy and all FAST!!
Hope this gives you some ideas!!
With winter on the way, I always think cream of wheat and oatmeal too. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !!
Smoothies have been my basic breakfast for several months.

Typically, I start with a base of pomegranate juice (sometimes mango, sometimes soy milk), then add frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, a mix of all three or just one or two, to vary). I add a scoop of a protein powder/meal replacement called "Vegan Complete" (25 grams rice/pea protein with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and digestive enzymes), two capsules of Vegan Joint Supreme (glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, MSM) opened up an sprinkled in, some powdered calcium citrate, a tablespoon of ground flax. Sometimes a couple of green tea capsules opened up and sprinkled in. Added water if it looks like it will be too thick.

I've also made it with vanilla soy yogurt, which makes it thicker, kind of like melty ice cream, and I then eat it with a spoon.
Snickers and a cigeratte.

Just kidding. I love flax cereal(I think it's called flax plus), with a banana and soy milk. I takes 30 seconds make and gives me healthy carb, fat, calcium, protein, and tons of vitamins.
Ooooh, Carolyn, I'm going to add that to my breakfast. The Snickers/smoke combo. Perfect!

Seriously, is the Flax Plus tasty?
Yes actually. I was quite surprised at how much I liked it. When I first got it, I mixed it with some rice chex to get used to the taste but I found that it tasted great without it. I won't lie though, it doesn't taste great like peanut butter cups, but it is tasty in its own healthy tasting way. You know what I mean.


It doesn't taste great like pb cups, but I'm sure it also doesn't go straight to one's hips and thighs either. Life's all about the compromise, ain't it?:p
So far I like the chocolate fudge pop tarts the best. But I suppose I really should eat healthy. I love yogurt - smoothies sound good - but how long does a smoothie stick around? The more liquid aspect of it makes me wonder...
Have you tried Uncle Sam cereal? It's loaded with good nutrition and fiber, and miracle of all miracles, it actually tasts good! I love it with a mix of berries and or banana. I also like Shredded Wheat and Bran. I sprinlke it with a little cinnamon and add mixed berries. I use skim milk because anything soy gags me.

On egg days I make my own version of an egg mcmuffin with whole wheat english muffins. I found some egg rings in a cooks store that are the exact same size as the muffins so I just break the egg into it and put a lid on the pan. It cooks really quickly. You can add low fat cheese and lean canadian bacon. Sometimes I add a little cheese and spinach leaves for a quick and well balanced breakfast.

When I feel like being bad, NUTELLA!!!

Thanks for the hint on Uncle Sam cereal - this has been around forever, but I never tried it. I'll substitute it for Kashi Go Lean to mix with Fiber One and yogurt.
Just Do It! :)
I hace been eating Kashi Go Lean with a cup of skim milk. It gives me about 24 grams protein and 20 grams carbs, sometimes I'll eat some fruit too. Also, there is a natural pb at our supermarket that was only 4.99. It has added flax seed and wheat germ. It is really good. I put that on an apple and have 16 ounces skim milk. I used to stay away from a lot of milk, but I really like it. Also, I read a couple articles that say it is good for you and lowers ab fat. I don't know if it is true, but I have been drinking about 24 ounces a day, and the scale hasn't gone up. Melissa
Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal-YUMMY! :9 --- Some don't care for the amount of sugar in it but I think it's it's wonderful stuff!!! I eat it every single morning pretty much!:)

BTW-Kashi also makes a cereal similar to cheerios (I forget the name of it though) which doesn't have has much sugar in it as the Go Lean Crunch and is pretty yummy too.
I sometimes get the Go Lean Crunch to mix with the Fiber One and yogurt 'cause it tastes like dessert!!!! Sinful, almost! Oh, yeah!!!! That gets my sweet tooth through the week until my weekly cheat day, which is TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9
Cottage cheese mixed with Fiber One and the egg white portion of a hard boiled egg is a quick and filling breakfast for me. At the store I buy at least two dozen eggs, one I use on days I have extra time to make an omelet, the other dozen I boil so I have a quick and easy protein source around....and 1 egg white is about 20 calories, an added bonus!
1 cup egg whites
1/3 cup of oatmeal
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp of splenda or stevia (natural sweetener)
1 tbsp cinnamon

throw in a frying pan and scramble like scrambled eggs. Its sounds hideous but is a really really yummy comfort food!!!!
Hi Shannon,

This sounds boring but for the last 5 years I have rotated between two breakfast foods.
#1 - Old Fashion Quaker Oats (1 1/2 cups boiling water to 1 cup whole dry oats...cook approx 6.5 minutes) no butter maybe a little salt in the boiling water for taste. I find oatmeal sticks with me for at least 4-5 hours before I eat lunch.

#2 - Lowfat Vanilla SilkSoy Shake (In a measuring glass mix 1 cup soymilk, 4 fresh strawberries, 1/2 cup no-sugar frozen blueberries, 1/4 red delicious apple, 1 tablespoon of lowfat vanilla yogurt, 1/4 cup AllBran extra fiber buds (to thicken the shake)1/2 packet of sweet & low and blend..YUM :) :9

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