Need Advice


New Member
Hello All,

I'm new to this forum. I wanted to know if anyone out there has used running as their chief form of cardio to lose weight. I've tried doing Cathe tapes but discovered that I tend to bulk up in the leg area too easily. I was wondering if anyone could give me any suggestions on how long and how often to run in order to lose weight.
Running is a great way to lose weight especially if your body is not used to it. I ran in a bunch of races last year including a marathon. I have toned it down quite a bit due to injury so I only run on the treadmill now. However if you want to incorporate running I would do 1-2 moderate intensity longer sessions (40 minutes) and do 1 or 2 interval sessions to really get your heart rate up. Good luck, it's a great way to get exercise just don't push it too hard becasue it is definitley hard on the body.
There are lots of forum regulars who run - for some it's their primary cardio & for others it's cross-training. There's a runners weekly check-in & all levels are welcome.

If you're a beginning runner, start with a run/walk program to introduce your joints to the impact (no matter how fit you are). Runners World's website is a wonderful resource for all levels & you'll find training programs including a beginners walk/run program. Nearly all training programs recommend x-training for runners because of the impact.

There have been several great discussions on running on Cathe's forum which you could find using the search feature.

Other than easing into running, the only other essential is a good pair of running shoes. Hopefully you have a running (or triathlete) specialty store near you to help you pick out a pair of shoes. Don't be intimidated! They love converts!

Have fun!

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