Need advice/rotation for a CLASSIC ectomorph...


New Member
Could someone, Cathe or another kind and knowledgable person, offer some advice?

My SO has started working out at home. But because his body type and goals are RADICALLY different from mine, I don't know what to suggest to help him maximize his body's potential.

He is extremely thin, 5'9 and 125lbs (argh... I WISH I had his body... he on the other hand envies my muscular frame and wouldn't even mind the extra fat I am always fighting...), and wants to increase mass. He's not a skinny-fat guy; he has defined, wiry muscles, but is tired of being a 'little guy'. He had planned to just use the weights we already have at the house and do the routines he remembers from high school. But from my long lurking on this forum, I thought he would be better off using some of Cathe's planned workouts instead of a generic 'three exercises per body part' plan.

I would really appreciate advice on a 'maximum gains' rotation. I know that S&H would be the core workout, but don't know what else to mix it up with to help him continue to get good results. MIS? PS? Maybe even PH would be helpful here, but I don't know how to put it together for him.

I know there are a couple of men here in the forum... if you have any advice, it would be awesome to hear from you.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-02 AT 04:25AM (Est)[/font][p]First thing, I would present him with a subscription to Men's Health Magazine, AND pay close attention to whatever advice Cathe may give you.
While I love M&F, we're living abroad right now and getting American magazines is a real chore. I'm prepared to spend the money on international shipping to get some new DVDs (even if I won't be using them... sigh!), but I want to have some solid advice before I start spending. Thanks!

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