Hi, Cathe.
I’m 50 years old, which doesn’t seem all that old to me. But some body parts seem to think I’m lots older! I have in my arthritis hands, wrists, hip and big toe. I can work around the lower body stuff. What’s really giving me trouble are my hands. It’s becoming very difficult to strength train.
I have successfully used lifting hooks for several years, but now as they transfer weight to my wrists, it’s causing more problems there, as well. Basically, I’m getting to the point where holding heavy weight is a very bad idea.
I want to lift and I know how important it is to maintain strength as I get older. I’m wondering if you have any advice that you give to people with arthritis who come to your live classes. I hope you’ll be able to reply to this. I’d really appreciate your advice as an experienced instructor. Thank you!
I’m 50 years old, which doesn’t seem all that old to me. But some body parts seem to think I’m lots older! I have in my arthritis hands, wrists, hip and big toe. I can work around the lower body stuff. What’s really giving me trouble are my hands. It’s becoming very difficult to strength train.
I have successfully used lifting hooks for several years, but now as they transfer weight to my wrists, it’s causing more problems there, as well. Basically, I’m getting to the point where holding heavy weight is a very bad idea.
I want to lift and I know how important it is to maintain strength as I get older. I’m wondering if you have any advice that you give to people with arthritis who come to your live classes. I hope you’ll be able to reply to this. I’d really appreciate your advice as an experienced instructor. Thank you!