Need Advice about Running


Okay folks, I finally completed a 10K today at the gym. I am very happy with that accomplishment; however, it takes me forever to complete the run! I am almost embarassed to say that it takes me an hour+ to finish. The odd thing is that I consider myself to be an advanced exerciser for over 2 years but the running really kicks my a**!

I have over a month before I complete the charity race. How do I improve my time?
The longer you are a runner the better your time will get. Also, doing intervals, hills and tempo runs help improve your speed. I would not add them all in at once, but pick one.

Is the charity race a 10K? Good luck and let us know how it goes.

In the past months, on average I needed 1:08 to finish a 10K distance. And that's really nothing to be embarrased about!

However, lately I've been improving my speed. Looking over my training log, I noticed that I have been doing 30min of Imax2 2-3 times a week on non-running days very consistently. Which I didn't do so regularly before. So I'm blaming Cathe for my improved speed :)

I also do an 8-9K fartlek (really like those) and a 5-6K tempo run. And I do a 12-15K long run. My knees don't take very kindly to interval training (running) so I don't.

Hope it helps.
I think both Beverly and Dutchie are right. Any of the Imaxes done maybe twice a week will improve your leg strength. I do intervals in my neighborhood this is an example:
Warm up running about 10 min, then pick up the pace for 90 seconds, then run or jog 3 minutes and repeat this cycle about 3 to 4 times, then do a cooldown run for 5-10 min. If you want more info on tempo and hill repeats I beleive you can find them at Good Luck!!!...:)...Carole
I agree with all advice that has been given already.

What helped me specifically was a HUGE hill near my house. It's probably about a 1/2 mile long. I would just run up and down the hill and sometimes sprint up the hill.

Then, I went to the track and sprint as fast as I can on the long ends and walk or slow jog around the curves. If that's too much to begin with - you can do the opposite to start with - sprint the curves and slow jog the long ends. Those two things really helped my speed and toned and strengthened my legs quite a bit!

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