Need a great ab rotation


With warm weather approaching I am looking for an ab focused rotation. What is your favorite abs rotation? I generally just do one segment of Ab Hits but I would like to incorporate some pilates and Cathe's new workouts. Boy I wish she would make an Ab Hits 2 DVD!:7
what about mixing core max and butts & guts into your routine. also, keep your cardio up with kpc and elliptical, treadmill or outdoor running. eat clean! :)
I think a great rotation mixes up core work w/ weighted, non weighted, and use of the stability ball. I love the B&G bonus abs, MM, PH abs, CM (and the premixes), C&W. Those are some of my faves of Cathe.

At the gym I do kneeling cable crunches, decline crunches w/ weight plate, standing cable oblique twists, standing chair knee circles/raises...

the list goes on and on :)


I'm not gaining weight. I'm retaining food.
I agree--my routine is very similar to Debbie's meaning I do many of the same exercises, & also that I don't really have a set routine. While most of my weight training is set in stone, my core training is different every week.

That said, I ALWAYS have at least one weighted routine a week. Usually it's at the gym, & Core Max sec. 3 plus one of the other sections. I try to fit in a 3rd pilates workout at some point, or Ab Ripper X which is great when you're short on time but looking for something intense.

I also agree that kickboxing is a great cardio workout that incorporates the core. In fact it's the staple of my cardio.

However, the one thing you don't want to do (I think) is overtrain your abs. The days of 300 crunches 6 days a week are over. Of course this depends on the look you want--if it's a flat, lean stomach then overtraining isn't necessarily a bad thing. But if you want a defined, "six-pack" type look, working with weights is essential, and keep your ab workouts down to 2-3 times a week.

And diet, diet, diet.
My favorite is Ab Ripper X, from P90X. Highly effective.


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