Nasal Polyp Surgery .... Has Anyone Here Had This?


I just found out I may need this and was wondering how bad it is and how long the recovery time is. I'm a bit upset about this, as I thought the doctor would just give me an prescription last night and send me home, but that's not the case.
My husband had it about 15 years ago. I would hope that technology has improved since but back then it was very painful for him BUT only for about 2 days. However, he was not allowed to work out for 2 months.

Wishing you the best,
I had this done 10 years ago because I was having chronic sinus infections and apparently I had a deviated septum and cysts potentially pushing on my sinus bone which could have lead to meningitis. He removed polyps and corrected the septum. I don't know if the procedure is different but I remember it being quite painful especially that first week. However....I took the pain pills for the 1st day and hated feeling so out of it...very sensitive to medications so I opted for no pills and dealt with the pain. If you like feeling loopy as some people do then you will feel less pain for sure. They didn't stuff my sinus cavity with cotton...I had this drip pad I wore under my nose for days. Was not pretty. It stopped all my sinus infections though so I'm glad I did it. Was laid up for a week though.
Something similar.
I had deviated septum and my sinuses cleaned out.
Well, you will enjoy the perkasets. I counted the 4 hours.
I had nasal splints for a week. You will be amazed how far back in your face they go. Healing totally took me 6 months. I would get the pepsi feeling up my nose for that long.
Pain for about 3 days bad ( pain pills). Annoying pain for 2 weeks.
And the gauze under your nose. Nose looks huge.I pulled out my own splints. I snipped the stitch and grabbed the tweezers and pilled them down.It was like a rock being gone from up my nose.
Then the breathing tube gave me thrush. Took 3 phone calls for her to figure out what it was!!!Sore throat, can't breathe out of my nose.I was miserable. She gave me a yeast infection pill.I figured dirty breathing tube. And this was at eye and ear in Pittsburgh.
After that is was like a pulling, healing.
Would i do it again.
Didn't help or do any good.
MAke sure you really need this!!!
2nd. opinion!!!!!!!
My DH has had 3 surgeries on his nose (since 2000)... deviated septum, torn turbinate (which he had to return later that evening after a complication), and polyp. I guess that is 4 surgeries. The worst was the torn turbinate recovery, which he took the Percocet every 4 hours for the first 24 hours. The other two were a breeze for him. He had his surgeries on Friday and returned to work on Monday.

Good luck to you!
Not to butt in here, but did your dr have you try steroid nasal sprays first? They're really supposed to help with nasal polyps--possibly even as effective as surgery. I'd also get a second opinion--the surgery sounds awful.
I had this surgery three times because the polyps returned. You may have packing in your nose for a few days. It is very uncomfortable. The cleaning of the sinuses and taking the packing out is very painful. As soon as the packing is out I could return to work. Everyone is different. I never really needed the pain pills either. Flonase is suppose to shrink the polyps. The polyps could return after being removed, so you may want to use a spray.


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