Name your workout OCD

I just steamed cleaned my carpets yesterday and I swear I can concentrate so much better when my naked foot hits the clean carpet. I think any bit of a slightly dirty carpet distracts me. I have to wipe the dog hairs off the leather sofa too which is in the same room that I work out in. I also have to have my blinds pulled up when I workout, the sunlight helps to keep me perky. I can only drink propel when I workout and I leave it on top of the entertainment center for close reach. I also like to work out in bikini tops because I don't want to end up with yellowing under any of my nicer tops unless I can find a old top that I don't care about, but since I hate to wear much clothing anyhow I rather the bikini.

LOL! Workout OCD - hilarious! :)

Oh gosh I would LOVE to steam clean the area rug in our living room. It takes a real beating from my workouts.

I am OC when it comes to organizing my workout equipment and DVDs. All of my DVDs are neatly organized by instructor - Cathe has her own shelf on my bookcase! My dumbbells have to be arranged a certain way on my dumbbell rack. My exercise mat always has to be rolled up and placed neatly on top of my high step, and my club step rests against the wall next to the high step. You could never tell I ever work out because my equipment is always so nicely organized - but I take the time to do that after every single workout. Yup, I'm obsessive! ;)

I sure WISH I could workout in a bikini top. Not with these big knockers - I've got the ultra-supportive no-bounce-guaranteed sports bra. I never wear shirts over my sports bra though, because I don't like yellow pit stains either. Plus I just get too hot. I DO prefer to wear pants because I hate my legs (all white and stumpy), even though I do get hot in them. No one is going to see my white stumpy legs, but I don't like to look down and see them - blech!
The only thing I'm particular about is that I want no interruptions. DH comes and kisses me goodbye when he leaves for work in the a.m. and that's okay but otherwise....leave me alone. This is my important, private time.

I do wear a one piece bathing suit to work out because it's so hot where I live.
Mine are mostly gym related, & also mostly what I don't like about others. Like, put your stinking weighs away when you're done so I don't have to. Or, don't stand in front of the %#*$(# dumbell rack while you're lifting so no one else can reach it. Also I'm pretty critical of others' workout attire. I hate it when I see a woman wearing a bra top & 3 inch shorts at the gym, especially if she has flab flapping all over the place. I mean, skimpy attire is just great when you're working out a home but jeez, don't subject the rest of us to your body parts most in need of improvement.

Other things that annoy me--women w/long hair who don't put it up while they're working out. What if it gets stuck in a machine? Doesn't it get in the way? It's not a beauty contest. I usually look like crap at the club. No makeup, hair up, the only thing I pay attention to really is wearing comfortable but attractive clothes.

Also people who are using a machine I want who stand there yakking away.

And my #1 pet peeve when it comes to workout wear--people who wear those bicyclist outfits to spin classes. Especially men--waaaaay too much information. Like, what's the point? Are you trying to cut down on wind resistance in the spin studio? Gimme a break.

ETA: Wow, I had no idea I was so negative. :eek:
The pedicure has to be perfect when doing yoga...I refuse to see so much of my feet unless they are well groomed!

The floor needs to be totally clean for any yoga or strength work. My face is too close to it during yoga and push-ups!

I just steam cleaned the floor a few weeks ago for this very reason!

LOL!!!! :+ :+ :+ :+ Reminds me of when I see men in those tiny speedos. YUK! Too much information there too as it gives me a fright! I feel so sorry for them walking around looking so ridiculous and unmanly. Why do people do these things and the others you mentioned? So mind boggling.

Every light MUST be shut off except for one lamp in the living room where I am working out. If my DH leaves the light on in the kitchen, I have to stop working out and turn it off. I cannot concentrate if I have to see the dining room or the kitchen because I will always see something that needs to be straightened up or cleaned. The only way I can focus on the workout is if I can't see anything but the TV monitor.
A friend of mine wears a Speedo-ish bathing suit. It frightens me. I don't know where to look.

Nobody needs to see his junk except his doctor and his girlfriend.
OMG Maximus - I had to try so hard to not bust out laughing at your post! :p I agree with all of them! I don't go to a gym anymore, but those things all bugged me when I was a gym member. (And people wonder why I work out at home now!) Your #1 pet peeve just cracked me up! I've never been to a spinning class - but people really wear cycling outfits to them? LOL! DORKS! :D
Distraction!!! I need my phones off and I won't answe the door in the middle of a workout! To be honest I think my working out is my OCD. If I miss even one day I feel fat. I envy everyone who can take a rest day and not feel bad. I know I need rest days but I just can't do it! Some people in my life think I need help :)


I would be the same way if I didn't have one of the spare bedrooms set up as an exercise room. That's what you need :D.
Absolutely NO interruptions unless it's for a life or death situation. My dh and kids face the wrath of Lois if they violate this rule. Oh and my workout shoes need to be pulled tight and double knotted.

>Nobody needs to see his junk except his doctor and his

I just frightened someone here from laughing out loud WAY TOO LOUDLY! This is too funny :)

Maximus - DITTO!

Another thing that bothers me is when you take a class at the gym adn someone comes in (usually alte) and plants themselves right in my space. I am a big girl and have long legs. If their step is right near mine or they are in the "zone" around me, they are going to get hurt (by default)!
1. DH
2. DH
3. DH
4. DH's stink morning breath in my face DESTROYING my a.m. w/o.

Can you tell he annoys me while w/o? But meanwhile he HATE it with a passion when he's interrupted.

Next time he w/o in the a.m., which is rare, I think I'm going to CUT A MEAN ONE (break wind) just when his muscle is fatigued and he's going for that last rep...........yeah that will do it:+ :+ :+.

My step must be perfectly straight and in line with the enterainment center. If it's even the slightest bit crooked I have to stop and straighten it out.

>I am OC when it comes to organizing my workout equipment and
>DVDs. All of my DVDs are neatly organized by instructor -
>Cathe has her own shelf on my bookcase! My dumbbells have to
>be arranged a certain way on my dumbbell rack. My exercise
>mat always has to be rolled up and placed neatly on top of my
>high step, and my club step rests against the wall next to the
>high step. You could never tell I ever work out because my
>equipment is always so nicely organized - but I take the time
>to do that after every single workout. Yup, I'm obsessive!

Ummm - so, you've been watching me, eh? Honestly, I could have written this!


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