Mystery pain


Hey guys,
I've got a riddle for you... My ankle mysteriously started aching yesterday... It's not the one I twisted a long time ago either. Soooo weird. It aches around the soft part between the back of my foot and the side little bones. Is that a tendon? Does anyone else have this problem? I've recently started jogging a lot, but I hadn't jogged in three days when it mysteriously started aching. It's a dull ache that really gets strong when I walk around on it.

I'm thinking about trying my luck on the treadmill tonight but I don't want to do any further damage. But I have GOT to get some cardio in!!! Any suggestions?
Sounds like could be part of the achilles, and yes, that is tendon.

better off avoiding the impact cardio, stick with walking and weights. Lots of stretching and rest work better for the achilles and trouble I've had in this area (after trying out Body max with it's too-fast aerobics tempo) has cleared up totally within 2 weeks.

Trouble in this area (achiness, sensitivity) is also, for me, a sign that I need to buy new shoes for that activity that caused the soreness.

Yup. That's the achilles tendon. I once injured mine, too. The thing that sucks about injuring that area is that it takes a long while to heal and is easily re-injured.

I would go with exactly what maddiesmum said. However, I won't lie and say that it took a good couple of months for me to heal completely, though I had injured myself pretty bad. I could still walk, but sometimes I'd have moments where my ankle was really tight and the sharp pain would interfere with my walking. I don't know if you've had that experience. Maybe your injury will recover quicker.

I hope you feel better. Use this as an opportunity to be a mad weight trainer. :D

Do you guys ice yours when it starts aching? Mine is much better, though. I've laid off of cardio for the past two days and it feels MUCH better now. I walked a lot today delivering Avon, etc., and it didn't even bother me. So tonight I'm thinking I'll try a short 20-minute run followed by some heavy weights.

Thanks for your responses! You would know when I decide to "train" for a run I'd get an achy tendon. Ugh! (I put "train" in italics because I don't know if slogging is actual training, but it's the best I can do :confused:.)

Thanks again!
I am glad your achilles is feeling much betetr. However, I would suggest that you not actually run on it until you feel nothing at all from that achilles, you shouldn't even be aware of it. Otherwise, it could be just waiting to flare up again at the first sign of high impact work. Can you not take a 2 week break from the high impact work to be on the safe side?

I can take a 2 week break, but I don't think it's that bad... but I don't want it to become that bad... Ugh. I recently gained some mystery pounds and need to incorporate cardio... But I definitely don't want another flare up. So I'll forego the run tonight and do something low-impact. Maybe a barre workout. :(

Sorry to make you show me an unhappy face! Oooooh dear!

I've been battling a running-induced injury since Jan and believe me when I tell you I know all about:

1) the need for extreme patience

2) the desperate need for hot, sweaty cardio

3) nothing comes close to the endorphin rush of running

4) there are no short cuts to remaining and getting back to being injury free...damn!

5) really intense power or speed walking stops the weight gain from not running, keeps the cardiovascular system in ready-to-run mode when you do get back to it, is the next best thing to actual running at 5.8 mph on the treadmill!

Wishing you a speedy, but not rushed, return to the things you love most!

Thanks, Clare. I'm not too worried. I took today totally off, and I'll do a weighted vest walk and weights tomorrow. I don't think it's an injury as much as just some soreness. It feels about 98 percent tonight. I haven't noticed it at all today. Only a tad bit of tightness tonight. So tomorrow should be a better, more productive day!

Thanks for all of the advice. The frownie face wasn't for you, just the situation. Thanks again! :)

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