My Wieners


K, I'm playing with my new camera today and took some shots of the wienies. I need to get the hang of this by tomorrow so I can bring back lots of cool pics from Cathe's club and the morning class. In the meantime, here are my babies. ;)

All three - Cheyenne, Montana, & Dakota guarding the house:

Cheyenne eating her bone:

Dakota looking concerned:

Oh, your guys are soooooo adorable!!
They look so happy!

How is it to manage 3 of these guys?
I held a mini weiner puppy on vacation and fell in love with the eyes! They are so expressive.
How is it to manage 3 of these guys?
I held a mini weiner puppy on vacation and fell in love with the eyes! They are so expressive.

I figure all three of them add up to 1 large dog, so it is really like having 1 big dog with multiple personalities. ;) For the most part, they are really calm and just hang around the house and watch a lot of TV and nap. It's only when people come to the door that they go nuts. I honestly do not know what I would do without these guys though. I am going to need some serious therapy when they pass on. :(
They are so cute!! And it looks like you got the hang of your new camera, so I am hoping to see some amazing pictures when you get back.

Enjoy yourself and have fun!!!:D
Oh Liann, they are so sweet. Every time I see a picture of a wiener dog it makes me miss my Siegfried and Maggie so much.

Cynthia, dachshunds are known for being expressive. An alert facial expression and lively personality is the breed standard, and it's considered a serious fault if they don't have these qualities.
I want to kiss those dachshunds!!! I'll have to get photos of my niece and nephew dachshunds for yous all. :D
I figure all three of them add up to 1 large dog, so it is really like having 1 big dog with multiple personalities. ;) For the most part, they are really calm and just hang around the house and watch a lot of TV and nap. It's only when people come to the door that they go nuts. I honestly do not know what I would do without these guys though. I am going to need some serious therapy when they pass on. :(

They are just adorable! I know how you feel. My boxers are my children, they just happen to have fur:)
My two are getting up in age so I know I will be faced with the bridge one day. I'm just so thankful for all the love they bring into my life right now.
My husband nicknamed our boxer boy "Bobby Boucher" from the movie water boy. A big time Mamma's boy. My boxer boy is stuck to me like glue everyday. He is so sweet and loving. Very protective though:eek:

Thanks for sharing pictures of your guys. I really enjoyed them!
Beavs - I am dying to see some pics. of your four legged niece and nephew!!! ;)

Cynthia - Boxers are such good dogs. My uncle had them all his life and I grew up around them. Love the nickname!
Ooh weiner dog pics...they're so adorable Liann! I must agree with you about the different personalities comment. Tanner is my complete spastic weiner and Tucker is much more calm and loves to snuggle.

Thanks for sharing!

Hi Chastity!!! How are the babies? It's amazing the difference in personalities. Montana is a BIG momma's boy. He's very protective of me. Cheyenne is a sweetie and cowers if you even raise your voice to her, poor thing. Dakota is Mr. Independent Wienie. He doesn't need anyone, but he does sleep with mommy every night. It's amazing how well they all get along. ;)
Hi Liann..the babies are doing great. Tanner was having some problems with his back a few weeks back and was confined to his crate. He doing much better now and was actually put in a very serious time out this morning for rolling in rabbit poop!! Tucker's big thing these days is chewing and I don't mean his toys...he likes my sofa pillows and blankets. It's amazing how much trouble these boys get into yet we still spoil them rotten!!

Have fun this weekend!

My Wienies~ cute. love the pics! I love doxies!! I have two ..


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I'm trying to attach better pix of my boys...


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